The Perfect Roommate - Not

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(A/N) : Hi. This is jadasutherland comin' atcha with my brand new book, 'The Perfect Roommate - Not'.

I think - in fact I know that I'm going to enjoy writing this book, I've got the feeling already. This book is in the teen-fiction and romance section but i hope that it's got something in it for everyone.

As every human does, i do make mistakes with things like grammar etc. so if you could comment on improvents, I would be most grateful.

But don't use comments just for mistakes. Be expressive. Give me ideas for the book because they really matter when writing a book.

So keep on voting and commenting!

As you may know, my sign off is -Believe <3 because i am totally in love with Justin Bieber. I send my love to all my fellow Beliebers and all my readers.

Stay safe

-Believe <3

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