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Within just days of this particular man entering Maya's life, he had flipped it. Though Maya had few rules and no curfews, punishments were for such utterly unreasonable things and were so brutal that Maya was too shocked to know exactly what to do when faced with the situation. It's not like Maya had ever been punched, touched, burned, cut, starved, or repetitively kicked.
For the first few weeks of a result Katie's accidental marriage on a night she drank away money that could be used for far mire useful things, Paul didn't bother Maya. But in the third week, he took the lock off her door. When Maya got angry, it was the first time she was taught that she was meant to be a victim. Silent. And what more affective way then physically, followed by remarks as to why she deserved it. And with another two lessons in that week, she had. She stopped her sarcasm and characteristics that might be classified as improper, such as the 'sup losers' when entering the Matthews. Normally, It would be a small change, but with Maya who was also beginning to look past people when speaking to them, there was raising concern. Not by much, though. They figured that maybe she was changing with her age, though rapidly. Riley related her to Jem, in what happened to be Maya's favorite book, to kill a mockingbird, changing practically overnight, telling her parents that any moment, Maya would come in with a large appetite and scarf down the whole meal for her growing body and make the whole family believe that she had a tapeworm, just like Scout believed Jem did. They rolled their eyes at it, which they had a right to, considering that in the first five minutes of the meal, Maya had only drunk sips of her water, finally picking up her fork at eating one and a half portions of the four portioned meal.
"Mr.Nathan says that adolescents must fight they're tendencies if they do not want to appear or carry the weight and guilt of being greedy." She explained to Riley. Paul Nathan was his full name, and Riley did not know who he was. It appeared that Maya had changed in just a matter of two or three days or possibly just overnight. But Riley did not agree with that statement so she told Maya that she must eat more. Maya was able to slip out of it by using time as an excuse and so in the third and fourth week of having a father, Maya learned that their was no exceptions to Pauls views on respect and that food is only for greedy or weak children.

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