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Maya discovered that Paul's business trip did not go well. She also had to discover it physically. After many kicks and punches, he broke her bed frame, raped her, cut her, and locked her in the bathroom. After her mother broke it open, Maya refused to come out and locked it from the inside. Under the sink was a thick navy blue cardigan, a black t-shirt and some jeans. After showering the blood off of her, she put the black shirt back on and cleaned the scars on her arm, putting her bloody clothes in the sink, avoiding looking at her scrawny figure in the mirror but catching sight by accident. She saw a ghostly pale boney sick like figure in the mirror. There was another knock.
"Mom. I said go away." She heard a loud bang and then the door opened. She looked over her shoulder. Cory and Shawn were outside of it, Shawn having knocked off the doorknob.
"What the hell?"
"Your mom said we could." She turned all the way around and put the cap back on the rubbing alcohol. "You look awful."
"I know and thanks." He noticed the the bloody clothes in the sink, and the new bruise on her forehead.
"Maya-" began Cory. "Maya, stop it with the secrets."
"Please." Said the brunette, walking in.
"I couldn't get her to stay home."
"Where is my mom?"
"She didn't want to be here when we opened it."
"What better time to tell then when the people who care about you are all here?" Said Shawn, putting his hand on her shoulder. She tensed up so he moved it. "Come on. Let's go to the living room." She weakly let go of the counter and went in, Shawn standing close, believing that she might collapse. She sat on the couch, Cory next to her and Shawn next to him while Riley sat in the other seat. There was silence for a long time.
"You gonna say anything?" She shook her head. Cory pulled her hair back and rubbed her back for reassurance. It didn't work either. But no one knew Maya better then Riley.
"Doesn't it get tiring. Carrying all of this around with you. Or sitting in your room alone with a blade and causing yourself pain for pleasure. You must be tired. Never sleeping. Anxious to come home and denying it while people ask you." Maya was clenching the edge of the couch and it had not gone unnoticed. Cory nodded at his daughter. "Don't you want to be happy?"
"I just feel bad. It must be difficult."
"Fine. Keep suffering. How long do you honestly think you can keep going like this?"
"Until I don't spit the fucking pills back out, okay." They all jumped a bit.
"You let out one secret." Said Cory. "How hard was that? More like an accident."
"Can I accidentally tell you everything?"
"That doesn't normally happen. Just say anything."
"Maya?" Asked Riley.
"What?" Riley's eyes were on a box resting next to the bottles on the coffee table.
"Are you a virgin." She took a moment to answer, noticing they were condoms.
"You've never met him."
"Are these his beer bottles?" Asked Shawn.
"Ya." She whispered.
"And did you have a say?" Asked Cory.
"Are you hurt?"
"What is this, twenty questions?"
"Maya." He warned. She sighed.
"Not severely."
"Does he hurt you?"
"My mom. She got drunk and married."
"And he does this to you?"
"Ya." They were all silent because none of them had a clue what to say. "I'm sorry."
"For what?"
"I don't even know. I just felt like I should apologize."
"You didn't do anything."
"Why doesn't my mother do anything. He doesn't hurt her. She has nothing to be afraid of. But she just watches."
"I don't know, Maya. I wish I did."

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