Appendix III Ancient History and the forming of Argoss

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 APPENDIX III Ancient History and the forming of Argoss


Argoss is not just the hub of the worlds of the predeluvial past but the mythological missing link of history. A little less than one thousand square miles of Islands, Argoss is a long forgotten realm, that either by fate or fortune has been spared much of the natural calamity that so greatly affected the greater world of the Argossians now know little about or have forgotten entirely..

Its history and creation have always been at the center of change, yet somehow, much of Argoss had remained unchanged, in ways that allowed much of its history to survive the ages, even in its hidden and buried ways.

Argoss is the location of the origin of Elves and also the center of the battle between dragons, Titans and Gods. It is also somehow the seat of creation, though much of the mystery of creation is either lost, or as yet still hidden somewhere in Argoss.

What follows is a history of the birth, and conflict of the early powers of the world.

The Age of Dragons

Long ago, before all written and rumored histories of men, and even before the histories of elves, existed an age of dragons.

It is said that they were the first offspring of the great creator in ages before the gods descended from the stars and made communion with the ancestors of men and elves. And so also Dragons came before the Titans who were the offspring of the communion between gods and men.

All the land was one large continent surrounded by a vast ocean. It had few mountains at first and was not more than a vast jungle who’s daily climate was regulated and keep perfect by the even weather keep mild by the presence of deeply frozen ice that in the earliest of times covered the world’s skies and made the whole world warm and perpetually present pink daylight made possible by the translucent silvery ice remnant gas left near solid from the cold of the outer space beyond the grips of the world where the observers watched, and later became gods.

The days of light would change only from bright to dim as the sun rose and fell; making night only a pinking evening illuminated in part by two moons: One near and blue, the other far and white.

Ever there was a mist that fell like a moist fog, and rarely did it rain. Ages passed this way, and for a long while nothing changed. The dragons, who at first were like primitive animals ate only grasses and trees, and did not consume flesh or kill. As did the small creatures and the fish and birds.

But among the observers was one who was great and his power was in music and also creation. As that power had been granted to him and given without restriction by the creator.

He who now has many names, but then was called fairest of all, betrayed the license of his power and created dragons that consumed flesh, and killed other dragons. This he did for sport and to serve his curiosity. Soon he was joined by other observers in this new game. The observers created new dragons to compete against the creation of the others, and so dragons became both more powerful and more intelligent.

Soon they could reason, and began to think and have desires and designs of their own. They disobeyed their creators, and became self determining.

Enraged by their misuse of power the creator set all creatures free and gave the original creatures of creation the means and abilities to defend themselves or hide or flee. He also stripped the power of creation from the observers and bound it up in a gate that none of them could use or enter. This he placed in a hidden place in the world and its secret was lost for many ages.

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