Chapter 8

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"Did you want some barbeque too?" Simi said interrupting Urian's thoughts.

"I came to check on you."

"Why? The Simi's okay. Want some barbeque? Good eats." She said.

"I'm good. Just wanted to meet your new friend." Urian said, turning to Azail.

"Oh, sure. Azzy, this here is Urian..." Simi started, motioning Urian with her fork. "Urian this here is Azzy. Oooh the Simi likes to say your name, it sounds so sparkly. Urian's my akri's nephew because he the son of akri-Styxx and akri-Styxx is brother to my akri but they don't know he was baby Galen before not until akra-Appolymi said he was because she kept him away. But now he live with us and his mama and papa, akra-Bethany and akri-Styxx and with baby Ari."

Azail tried to process all the things that just came out of Simi's mouth. "And that makes you two...?" She asked, raising both eyebrows towards Urian.

"Cousins, we're cousins." Urian supplied.

"Oh...I see." Azail nodded. She remembered her manners and offered her hand. "You can call me Azail or Az."

"Urian." He said simply, accepting her hand.

The moment they touched, it was as if the world stood still and a fissure ran through both their bodies. The contact was brief as they both let go of each other's hand almost immediately.

"Whoa, static." Azail chuckled, rubbing her hands together. She laughed it off as she most of the time get that feeling whenever she touches anyone, even Athry. Her sister had described it as 'having too much electrons in the body'. Urian on the other hand stared at her for a full minute. He was sure something happened there when their skins touched.

"You're welcome to join us if you like." Azail offered graciously as she noticed Urian has been standing there watching her. Urian took the offer and sat quietly, eyes still fixed at her. She did a mental shrug and continued on eating her meal. Simi started rambling about sparkly stones and QVC.

Urian studied Simi's new friend with new found interest. The shock that he felt earlier was something that he couldn't just take for granted. He knew he had felt it before but it was faint and almost non-existent. If you weren't paying much attention it would most likely be dismissed as something ordinary but since he was there, observing he knew there was something up with the kid and he was sure Simi's new friend isn't entirely human. Nevertheless, he has to do what he came for. He took a seat opposite Azail and gave her his most intimidating gaze.

"You're not planning on dating Simi, are you?" Urian asked, amused as Azail promptly choked on her barbeque. It was a silly question. There's no way in hell will Ash let a human date Simi but questions like these always catch people off guard and it didn't disappoint him with he got the reaction he wanted.

"W-w-where did that even come from? " Azail coughed, hoping that she didn't snort out meat from her nose. She emptied the tall glass of root beer to down the meat she was chewing. She glanced at Urian and suppressed the urge to laugh. It seems he's also one of the many who wasn't able to tell she wasn't a boy. Why else would he ask such question?

"Well, she has been talking about you non-stop and it's obvious that you like her." Urian coaxed, trying to wiggle out a confession from the kid.

"You're funny. Of course I like Simi..." Azail admitted. Urian's cousin was right to be suspicious she knew her gender isn't something obvious since her manner of dress isn't something that would affirm her femineity. She had been mistaken for a boy for countless of times already and she wouldn't hold it against him is he was one of the many who had made the wrong assessment about her gender.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2016 ⏰

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