Chapter 5

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"Hello Dev! I'm back."

Looking up from where he stood, Dev saw the kid he met yesterday approaching the door with a skip. The youngster was waiving frantically at him.

He had only met Az last night but there was an air to the kid that made him feel like he had known Az for a long time. Unlike the mortals he often greeted coming in to Sanctuary, the child wasn't intimated by his size or cool demeanor. Az has greeted him like he was an old friend when Nick brought the kid in the other night.

"Hey kiddo." He greeted back as the kid stopped in front of him.

"Are you guys open yet?"

Dev shook his head. "I'm afraid not." At his reply, the kid's shoulder's slumped.

"I was afraid of that. Well... I guess I'll go find snacks somewhere else." Az turned to leave. "I'll see you later then."

At the sight of her leaving, Dev called her back. "You're in luck, we'll be open in a few minutes, you can come in if you like." It was a lie, they won't be open until the next few hours but seeing the kid disappointed tugged at him and he didn't know why.

Hearing that, Azail perked up. "Really? That'd be awesome! Thanks Dev!"

"Anytime kiddo."

The two high fived and Dev opened the door for Az.

"I'm sorry we're not open yet." Aimee said immediately as she heard the door open. She was wiping the counter and didn't see who was coming in.

"It's okay, Aim. It's just Az." Dev said from the door.

"Hi Aimee!" Az greeted as she walked to the counter.

"Hey kiddo. You came back." Aimee greeted back.

"Yeah." Az replied surveying the bar.

There weren't many people inside except for a few waiters cleaning the tables and a guy behind the counter with Aimee. He was wearing an apron and was wiping glasses. A girl who looked like a dressed up doll was seated on the barstool eating ice cream.

"The Simi wants another, Aimee-akra. This is good eats."

"Sure Simi, I'll get you another serving." Aimee then turned to her. "Take a seat sweetie. What can I get you?"

Az took a seat beside the girl Aimee called Simi. "I'd like what she's having." Az replied pointing a thumb at the girl.

Simi turned to her. "You likes ice cream too?"

Az nodded. "Yes, very much."

Simi squinted her eyes at her. "What about BBQ?"


Simi nodded. "You likes what the Simi likes. You seems to be quality people. Only quality people likes things the Simi likes." Then she smiled. "You gots a name? Oh pooh, of course you gots a name. Every quality people has one. Silly Simi."

Az giggled. The girl was a little weird and spoke in a sing songy manner but it was endearing and she was very pretty.

"My name is Azail. I'm new here. I just moved from New York." She introduced offering her hand.

Simi looked her hand. With a puzzled expression she took it. "What's the Simi gots to do with your hand?"

Az shrugged. "You shake it? People do when they meet each other."

Simi giggled. "You silly. Simi not people." She was laughing at her but she shook it anyway.

Azail thought it was a strange remark and she was about to ask Simi what she meant but Aimee came back with their ice cream.

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