Chapter 1

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"Great. Just great." Azzy grumbled kicking gravel in the street with her blue Doc Martens. "I am so...lost." Right there and then her stomach grumbled too. "Not to mention hungry."

It was almost dark and she had been walking for hours since she got there trying to locate her sister's studio. Athry, her sister who works as a professional photographer had asked her to come live with her in her new apartment/studio in New Orleans.

The only map she had with her was in her cell phone which at present was dead. She forgot to write down the address but she knew she can take a walk to the place from Jackson square and the worst part is she doesn't memorize her sister's number.

If only she didn't refuse her sister's offer to pick her up on the airport, this predicament wouldn't have happened. It was because she's busy with work and she didn't want to be treated like a child who couldn't find her way.

She sighed helpless as she sat down an alleyway. She rummaged through her leather bag pack and removed the last bar of Twix from the inside. It wasn't much but she was hoping it would be enough to appease her protesting stomach.

"I should look for something decent to eat..." She trailed of as she started to peel off the candy bar.

The last of the afternoon sun's rays painted the sky with a purple hue. Night has fallen and the street lamps had started to illuminate the streets.

Finishing off the last bit of her candy, Az stopped and looked up to where her feet had taken her. She had entered an alley and the sign above her was in blue. It read: Ethel Kidd Realty.

She continued to walk down the alley, counting her steps as she did. She had this habit of looking down her feet whenever she walked. Her sister had reprimanded her from doing it since she almost always gets into an accident whenever she did.

"I should look for a nice restaurant, charge my phone, get some dinner and call Athry. She probably is worried sick right now." She said, thinking out loud.

"I know a great place not far from here..."

Azzy heard the voice before she bumped into something solid. Looking up, what she saw must have been the most attractive young man she had ever laid eyes on. He was blond, extremely tall and handsome like nobody's business. He had a gold loop earing on his right ear.

He smiled at her but instead of smiling back she felt a chill down her spine.

"Stranger danger!" Her head screamed.

"Well hello there little mouse." The young man said. The guys behind him snickered. It was just then that Azail noticed that he wasn't alone. Two more guys with the same features who looked like they could model for her sister were behind him.

"How appropriate." One said, chuckling. She had on a short sleeved grey hoodie with mouse ears on the head.

"You're quite a catch." The first guy said, licking his lips.

"I've never seen anyone with that much soul in here in a while." The other one agreed.

"This little one will be enough to feed the three of us for a long time." The last one said, eyeing Azail with interest.

"These guys are nuts." She thought. "Extremely handsome, but nuts." She didn't know exactly what they were talking about but she was sure it wasn't something nice.

"Looks like I took the wrong way..." She mumbled, turning back where she had come from.

It a sudden move, the guy with the gold earring was blocking her way. "Going somewhere?"

"Anywhere but here..." She said awkwardly. "I don't want to get into trouble mister. If you want my money, I don't have much with me so sorry. You guys don't look much like robbers anyway. There must be a reason why you're resorting to this but if you guys are broke or something I can recommend you to my sister's modelling agency. And boy are you guys gonna sell. I don't have her number right now or her card but you can look for Bloodray's Inc. She has a branch here somewhere. I'm sure she'll get you guys nice jobs."

Nick couldn't help but chuckle at the little boy's speech. It was the first time in all his encounters with Daimons that anyone has tried to recruit them for a job, a modelling job no less. If he didn't know better, he would say the Daimons themselves were as baffled as he was.

He had eyed the group of Daimons earlier as they stalked into their usual spot. It was a bit too early for them to go out but since times have changed their feeding times had changed too.

"Please let me through." Nick heard the boy say out loud.

"No. We'll lose our dinner if we did."

Nick grimaced. These damned ink blots and their cheesy lines.

"I told you, I don't have any money." The boy insisted, stepping forward.

"It isn't your cash they're after, little one." Nick said, stepping out from the shadows. The Daimons visibly tensed but none of them made a move to leave.

"This one is ours Dark Hunter." One said.

"Like that means anything." Nick retorted, walking towards them.

Azail stared at the man that suddenly appeared. He was handsome too but his appeal wasn't anything like the three blondies before him. He had an air that she couldn't quite place and a gait that was what her sister would have described as incredibly sexy.

/End of Chapter 1

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