Chapter One ==>

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John was on his way home when he decided to head down the road leading to the field where the circus was being set up, instead. It wasn’t due to open for another day or two, but his excitement got the better of him and he couldn’t but want to get a peek.

The entire place was surrounded by a large metal fence, keeping anyone from entering and getting in the way of the crew and keeping all the animals within as they were transferred from one place to another. John climbed up on it, peering over the edge to try and getting a good look. Tents and booths were set up everywhere, sprinkling the ground in a pattern that probably meant something but was unknown to him. A collection of trailers lined the far edge, presumably for everyone who worked there. People ran about, preparing everything like they should. And then he saw the elephant.

It was big and grey and came strolling towards him, curiously, only stopping on the edge of the fence. John’s face lit up and he held out a hand, almost close enough to touch it-

“Hey, Kid!” someone shouted, making his fall backwards, only saved from hitting the ground by a pair of strong, gloved hands. Looking up, a frowning man stared down at him, wearing a white shirt with the collar turned up and a grey baseball cap supporting no team in particular. The strangest thing was the pointed shades that rested on his face, completely hiding his eyes. John blinked a few times, disoriented, as he was placed back on his feet.

“Didn’t mean to scare ya,” the man stated, simply, “But you’re not allowed to climb on the fence. Sorry.”

“Oh. That’s alright,” John muttered, “I didn’t realise. My mistake.”

“Well, that fiasco right there is mostly why,” the man chuckled, “Wouldn’t want anyone to fall and sue us or nothing.”

“Yeah,” John agreed, smiling slightly, although this man seemed rather intimidating.

“Are you excited for the circus?” he inquired, “Or are you here to apply for a job? I’m sure those teeth of yours could pull in quite a show.” He laughed when John covered his mouth with his hand, glaring at the man, “I’m just messing with ya. There’s nothing wrong with a bit of an overbite. It’s more common than you’d think. You didn’t answer my question, though. Excited for the circus?”

“Yeah,” John nodded, enthusiastically, “I am! I saw the advertisement in town. I can’t wait to see the elephants and the magic show.”

“Well you’ve already seen the elephants,” he laughed, turning to the one standing by the edge of the fence, “Speaking of which... Eridan!”

A man walking by on the other side of the fence looked over, confused at being called out, but turned to the one beside John, glaring, “W-what do you w-want?” he demanded, harboring a bit of a stutter.

“Where is your girlfriend?” he demanded, “She needs to take care of this elephant. Must have escaped, again.”

“Feferi? How-w-would I know?” he rolled his eyes, walking away.

Tell her to get her ass over here!” the man called after the retreating figure, “Sorry about that. You were talking about the magic show, too, right?”

“Yeah,” John confirmed.

“The one who runs it, Rose, she’s the best I’ve ever seen - Especially for a kid,” he explained, “You’re gonna be amazed - Promise ya that.”

“Sounds fun,” John grinned, “I’m John, by the way.”

“Dirk,” the man returned, returning the handshake John offered him, “Dirk Strider.”

“Strider?” John’s eyes widened, “Like... The one the circus is named after?”

“Yeah,” he laughed, sticking his hands in his pockets, “It belongs to my family. Me and my little brother are the ones running it, at the moment. Not that he’s really doing much, though... Being about the same age as you and all.”

“Oh. Maybe I’ll get to meet him, too,” John smiled.

“He’ll be around when you come to see everything,” Dirk promised, “Speaking of which, how’d you like a free pass for the first day?”

“Wait, really?” John demanded, not sure if he was serious or not.

“Yeah,” Dirk laughed, “You and I are friends now, right? Friends get free passes. Wait here.” John remained standing there as he ran back off, probably back into the circus. After a moment, he returned, holding up a pass for the opening day - Total admittance to all shows, rides and events.

“Wow,” John took it, gingerly, beaming up at him, “Thanks! This is great!”

“I hope to see you around, John,” he ruffled the boy’s black hair and strolled off, hands in his pockets, “Enjoy the circus and make sure to bring all your friends!” John tucked the pass away and started back home, a little bit giddy about the whole thing.

When he got home, he opened the door, kicked a harlequin out of the way and stepped into the house, the smell of baking hitting his nose. Closing the door behind him and tossing his backpack on the couch, he walked into the kitchen, finding his dad hard at work.

“Hey, Dad!” he called, happily.

“John!” his father turned to greet him, a gooey spatula in hand. Some of the batter hit the wall and he frowned, “You’d think I’d have learned not to do that by now...”

“It’s alright. I’ve got it,” John laughed, going to clean it up, “How’s the shop coming along?”

“As great as ever,” he grinned, “You got home a bit late, today... What was the hold up? I hope you didn’t get detention.”

“No,” John insisted, “I stopped by the circus to see how it was coming along. I met the owner, Dirk Strider. He gave me a pass for the opening day!”

“That’s great, Son,” Dad approved, “Are you planning on going with someone?”

“Yeah. Jade said she would go with me,” John nodded, “Plus, everyone else from school is supposed to be going, too, so I’ll see them as well.”

“Excellent,” Dad nodded, “Do me a favour and hand me that sugar over there, will you? I don’t think I put enough in this batch.”

“Sure thing, Dad,” John obeyed, handing it to him, “Here you are.”

“Thanks, John,” Dad grinned, “So... How was school?”

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