Chapter 27 - Birthright

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Chapter 27 – Birthright


I managed to catch her before she fell to the ground. It has never acted out like that before. The shock of her pushing me off was what made me slow to react in the first place. Normally whenever I am healing, he moves. My snake is a part of me and is tied to my powers. Why he decided to dislodge from my arm when there was no danger to me was what I couldn’t figure out.

I was born this way. I was born with the burden of this power that I have. I was born with this snake attached to my body. For as long as I could remember, it has been there. My lineage was pure. My family’s bloodline is the only pure witch bloodline there is. My ancestors were the very first witches. They started this, and as such there were only full witches in our family. We never mixed with outsiders ever. In order to keep our line pure, we never married half witches or people without powers. Our marriages are sometimes arranged. Members of my family only ever marry the purest of bloodlines and we have a higher chance of finding our true mates than anybody else.

Being a family of true witches, it was our right to claim our mates even if that mate has been with another. I didn’t say it was perfect or even fair, but it was our birthright. Our true mate is normally one who has a witch line almost as pure as ours; both parents should also be from a witch only line and their grandparents, great grandparents and so on, going back to over 2000 years.

It might sound a little unfair but that’s the way it works. There however were conditions to claiming your true mate once you have found them. One: You can’t tell them you’re mates. Two: You can’t influence them in any way possible. Almost everyone in my family has the power of mind control. Therefore this law was added because of said power. Three: You can’t claim them against their will. Basically, you have to wait until they come to the realization that you’re mates, and you have to wait for them to ask you to claim them.

The process of mating with your true mate is not only about sex, it’s about forming an unbreakable bond or connection. It’s about sharing with your mate the one thing you were born with; your creature. Every member of my family has a different kind of tattoo. In each generation each member gets a different marking. You rarely, if ever at all see two members with similar tattoos.

When both mates join for the very first time, our creature also forms a bond creating a replica of itself, almost like a mate of its own. In other words, when I mate with my true mate for the first time, she will get an identical snake tattoo of her own. It might be smaller or bigger, depending on her frame and it also might be on a different area of her body, as well as it might be in the same spot as mine. It all depends, and I really don’t know what the deciding factors are.

My brother Eli has a hawk that covered the entire area of his back, but when he mated, his mate’s hawk appeared on her abdomen, with the wings wrapping around her back. Like I said, I don’t really know the dynamics of how the replicas are formed, it all depends.

Many people believe that the original witch family no longer existed, while you still have those who do but don’t know where we are. That is why we take great measures into ensuring we keep our creatures in check. There might those who wish to harm us, or those who believe one family is not allowed to have so much power. However, we try to keep our real abilities hidden and blend into society so questions won’t be raised.

I hated lying, but it has to be done to keep my family safe. Whatever people know about me is what I want them to know about me.

I snapped out of my thoughts when she started to stir beside me on the bed. I pressed the wash cloth against her forehead to make it seem like I had been doing that all along. She blinked a couple of times before her eyes finally adjusted. Her eyes were a unique shade of grey which I found fascinating.

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