Her Conclusion

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She isn't cured.

She never will be cured.

The sun will always burn and cut and bruise her skin, white will always blind her eyes and make her want to choke some color, gray and black and bleakness will always cause burning hatred to swirl around, remnants of a lost time, flowers (asphodels in particular) will always feed a bottomless perverseness, the sky will always drown her, the windows and the gardens will reflect and shroud a visage of the Asphodel Meadows-

Her skin will always be scarred.

But we don't care for people with depression and suicidal thoughts.

No, we destroy them, tear them down, break their spirits until they can do nothing but die.

She was destroyed, first by her family and her friends, society and its expectations.

She was torn down by the doctors who tried to save her but who didn't try to understand her.

She was broken by the shadow boy and his little fire sister (Leona, and this time she doesn't care not because she's numb but because they don't matter, not to her) who understood her but didn't do anything, merely watched from the sidelines and disappeared once they were satisfied.

And she died, she finally died, when the new volunteer left her after picking up the pieces, flying away before everything was fine, but not before sending one last message.

But then we rebuild them, help them up, and help them find a new persona that truly fits them.

She isn't cured.

She will never be cured.

But she has changed.

She has reached up for the stars and grabbed a cluster of them in her hands-but instead of crushing them into fine dust, she makes them glow brighter than ever.

This is it.

This is her definition of "life."

The stars that collide into explosions of fireworks-we are those very stars.



And that is a wrap! Chapter song is "Get Well" by Icon For Hire. So fitting, isn't it?

Thank you all so much for staying with this book to the end! I know it started off slow and all, but it had to in order to get to the good stuff. I'm just glad that a couple people liked it enough to vote on practically every chapter (*cough* SilvernightBreaker *cough* rainbooms311, you two are freaking awesome)! 

Halfway through publishing, I found myself coming up with an idea that relatively mirrored this story, so I decided to make it into a series called "enlightenment"! This is book 1, and book 2 is called These Voices In My Head. I will keep this story as "uncompleted" until I have decided to post the first chapter to book 2. At that point, I will update again with a short summary and a link to the second book. Maybe if you're not tired of short, depressing stories like this one, you'll go check out the other.

So, I hope you guys will go check it out later. And again, thank you so much for reading this story. It is one of my favorite short stories so far, and it's been an emotional roller coaster writing this. 

Have an awesome day and remember-you are a star, you will always be a star, and even if this world is hard to live in, know that facing death is even harder. 

This world wants you.

Her Definition Of "Life"Where stories live. Discover now