Her Existence

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Ever since she was born, she had been living life for the sake of others.

For the sake of her parents who reminded her every single day what they had to give up in order to raise her using their voices and lips and harsh, shrieking words that pierced her, hurt her deep inside.

For the sake of her baby sister who came to her when she was scared, terrified of the harsh, piercing words that swirled in the living room below.

For the sake of her friends who called her only when they wanted help on homework, tests, and assignments, or if they needed money.

For the sake of the expectations that were piled on top of her by her teachers and classmates, the expectations told her that living wasn't enough, existing and breathing and living weren't enough.

She had to excel. Not for her own sake, but for the sake of those around her.

Is it really living if what you do is only meant for someone other than yourself?

Is it really living if the only reason you bother to breathe is for someone who couldn't care less about whether you live or die?

She wasn't living.

So she tried to do one last thing, for the sake of the people around her, but-

The one thing that she wants is the one thing she can never have.

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