...to start

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Past a milestone but still a ways to go…

Ananke felt her attention drift as she let Chronos take control of their shared body. In a strange way it no longer felt like her own body, or at least not her body alone. She’d gotten used to the feeling of having the Father of Time in her head with her, so it felt absurdly natural to have him guide them around. She could even feel the sense of satisfaction he was trying to hide at having control for a change, something he’d never gotten used to being without even without a corporeal form. And yet Ananke realized that his attitude had a lot less arrogance than it had when their strange partnership had started.

Maybe once you and I have saved all of Time itself, you can take a regular vacation. Chronos suggested to the mortal as he felt her mind slump into the grey haze of real exhaustion. He was having a hard time remembering that this remarkable woman was merely mortal and required a few more necessities than his own kind. Namely sustenance and sleep.

Take in a little light sight seeing? Check out the local tourist spots. Ananke replied lightly.

Chronos felt his internal smile stretch the lips on Ananke’s face and it felt oddly shaped to him. He raised the feminine hand that was in no way dainty to touch the smile on their face. It was a truly hair raising experience for a male mind, accustomed to a male physiology to touch lips that were undeniably a woman’s when he is expecting to feel his own.

I suspect that I will enjoy you humour as it scrapes off the rust and gets used again. The Titan teased in a friendly manner.

Where are we going to next godling? Ananke ignored his comment.

“Do you have a suggestion for us at the moment Herald?” Chronos asked, looking at the immortal man, as put on end by hearing a female voice as he had been by finding her lips wearing his smile.

“I suggest we take the vessel somewhere until she’s fully recovered from this latest ordeal God of Time.” Herald adapted to the situation far more quickly than the god himself had, albeit that was what had made Herald the perfect Pantheon Ambassador in the first place. He was neigh unshakeable, at least until Ananke had arrived. And that mortal, Chronos knew now, was capable of unsettling everything.

It’s not so bad right now. Ananke countered internally. Chronos let her feel his disbelief and kept her comment alone.

I hate to take his side but I really do think you need to sleep, eat and definitely shower. You were able to go for a bit of a swim, but you still smell quite pungently.

I stink? Oh whatever shall you do with your poor, sensitive nose. Oh wait, MY poor sensitive nose.

“It’s definitely time to get her rested, she’s trying to be funny.” Chronos alerted Herald. The Time God was shielding Ananke from as much of her bodily pain as possible, but he knew she was still echoing the hurt.

“Allow me to assist you. The assembled Gods of this Pantheon are currently in a remarkable amount of disarray at this turn of events and your body is healed of wounds but still weak. Let’s not tempt Fate with another serious injury.” Herald suggested, but still waited for Chronos to nod Ananke’s head affirmative before he muscled the smaller frame of Ananke upright.

Her arm was looped over his shoulder and even Chronos couldn’t keep the sudden flare of pain from bleeding through to ‘nake’s awareness.

Well then, I think I’m glad you’re the one dealing with the majority of that pain. I have a good threshold and can operate even with injury but I am not sure my discipline would be strong enough to handle moving on my own right now. Ananke confessed without shame.

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