Chapter 4

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I wake up the next morning to a lovely smell. I get in the same clothes from yesterday and go to the kitchen.

"Good morning Rose!" Says Ms.Willmar.

"Good morning to you too." I say.

"There is some bread and jam on the table of you want some."

"Ok thanks."

I cut a piece of bread and spread done jam on it.

"So if your planning to stay for a while you might want to get a job." Says Ms. Willmar.

"Well, I guess I should." I'm not going to lie, I've never did a job ever in my life.

"You can go ask the town mayor if there's anything you can do." And after that I am off.

"So you are looking for a job?" Says the mayor.


He flips open a book filled with paper that has writing on it.

"There are jobs in the bakery, clothes shop, field work, or you can be a slave and work in my mansion." He says with a smile in his face.

"Um I don't know." I say, I have never done any of those before.

"Well have you cooked or sewed before?" I shake my head no.

"Ok, have you ever picked any food from a field or cleaned something?"


"Alright then. You can probably start either being a slave in my mansion or field work. And by the way I will give you shelter in my mansion." He says.

"I'll start field work."

"Ok." He opens a window and yells. "MESSENGER MESSENGER!"

"Coming!" I hear a little voice. In a minute a person walks in.

"Send this young lady to Phillip, she wants to work in the field."

"Yes sir." Then the person puts her hand behind my back and guides me out the door.

We finally make it to the field and stand in front of a bald, tall, ugly man that is picking corn.

"Phillip, we have a worker." The messenger says.

"Well, well, well. Why isn't a pretty girl like this one working in the bakery or clothes shop?"

"I don't know, just take her and make her work." The messenger says while giving me a push. I fall into dirt and get it all over me.

"Ewwwww." I say. They both laugh at me. Phillip bends down near me. "If you can't get a little dirt on you, you won't be able to work in the field." He says while laughing.

I work all day pulling weeds and picking crops. It was so gross, I got dirt all over me. I never wanted to do that again. Finally while the sun is setting Phillip tells me I can go.

On my way home I stop by the clothes shop and watch the girls sew. When I turn around I'm face to face with the mayor.

"Did you fall in the pigs pen or something?" The mayor says while laughing.

"Well actually I didn't and I like my job." I lie. There's no way I would be a slave for this guy.

"Hahaha, what's your name anyways?" He asks.

"Why does it matter to you?"

"Well maybe cause I'm the mayor and I want to know my people."

I grin while saying, "It's Rosemary and what's yours besides Mayor?"

He steps closer to me and says "What a beautiful name, my name is Louis."

"Ok well I have to go Louis." I say while walking really fast towards Ms. Willmars house.

"Wait!" He says while grabbing my hand in a strong grip. "Do you want to go to the square dance with me tomorrow night?"

I was about to ask what a square dance was but decided not to make myself look like a fowl. "No." That's when I try to walk off but he still has my hand.

"Why not?" He complains while gripping my hand harder.

"I barely even know you and your making me work in the fields."

"I thought you liked working in the fields and you had a choice to work in my Mansion or work in the fields so its not my fault."

He did have a point but I wasn't giving up that easy, "It's still a no and let me go!" I say while getting my hand free and running towards the house.

I walk in where Josh and Ms. Willmar are getting ready for dinner.

"Good day at work?" Ms. Willmars asks me.

"It was fine." I reply.

"Oh dear! Your a mess! Go get cleaned up and then you can eat."

"The problem is I only have these clothes." I say while looking at my ugly outfit.

"Well I can fix that!" She says while walking to her room. She returns with two dresses. One is grey and another is dark blue.

"Thankyou very much!" Then I go change. I change into the dark blue for dinner.

That night we had corn and potato soup. "So are you planning to go to the square dance tomorrow night?" Ms. Willmar asks.

"Maybe, but I don't know how to square dance."

"It's easy! I will even teach you! The only thing you want to do is try to find a date."

"Thankyou and I will try my best for getting a date."

"Oh no biggie a pretty girl like you would get any boy in this town." After that we hear a big KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK. I freeze in my spot while Ms. Willmar goes to answer the door. She opens and three guards that come from the castle I used to live at are at the door. I notice one of them is the guy who was the second guard when I was leaving that new it was me.

One big, tough, mean looking guard says, "Is the princess here or anywhere you know?"

"Um no, no sir." Says Ms. Willmar. The other two guard look around while standing at the door. The guard I met before meets eyes with me and gives me a small smile. Oh I hope he doesn't recognize me.

The tough and mean looking guard continues, "Some guards will be staying at thus town for a couple days, do you have any room?"

"Sorry but I just gave my last room away." She says.

"Alright just let us know if you see or find her."

"I will." They then leave and I finally breathe.

"Well that was all of a sudden." Ms. Willmar says with a sigh.

"Yeah." Says Josh. Josh is quiet and is kinda mystery, I would like to know more about him.

"Yeah, I'm tired and I have field work tomorrow." I say.

"Me too, can you help with dishes dear? I will wake you up early tomorrow if you want to learn square dancing."

"Sure that would be fine, thanks." I then help her with dishes.

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