Chapter 2

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I wake up late in the afternoon, my parents don't bother to send any maids to wake me or they don't wake me themselves. They are disgusted with me right now. I walk to the dinning area and find Nina there.

Nina is like my second mother and she treats me like her own daughter, even though she's my maid.

"Good morning!" Says Nina while giving me a plate of food and bowing.

"Morning." I say in my grumpy mood.

"Bad night again?"

"Yeah. Don't you think I should marry who I want to? And don't start with this ancestors stuff." I snap.

"Well since I'm not princess I get to marry who I want and when I met my husband I knew he's the one. I would've hated marrying someone else. I also wouldn't have my 5 kids today without him." She says.

"I haven't seen anybody who I know he's the one, but I really hate Arthur."

"Well I can't help you out on this one, sorry. Are you finished?"

I nod and sit alone as she takes my empty plate away. Then finally I have a plan!

I go to my room get dressed, grab a sack, pack clothes and other important items and run to the kitchen. I grab food I can carry with and then head to the stables.

"Hey Blacky." I say while setting up my dark black horse.

After I'm ready I head to the first guard. I put a scarf over my head to hide my identity. You have to pass through two guards before exiting the castle.

"Business?" He asks.

I say in my different voice, "Going home from visiting family."

"Continue on then."

I stop at guard two.

"Business?" He asks.

"Going home from visiting family." I say in my different voice again.

The guard looks at me and smiles then bows.

"Princess, what are you doing? This is your home." He says. He has black hair, a cute smile, and is very muscular, but he is dressed in his guard uniform.

"I really can't explain right now so just please let me pass."

"I can't let you pass."

"I am princess of Lena and order you to let me pass."

"If you let me go with you, you may pass."

"No way." And at that I kick Blacky a few times and I'm off. I look behind me and see no one is following me. Good!

I've been riding on this dirt road for a couple hours now that I just want to camp out in the woods on my left, but I see a man and his horse on the side of the road and I stop.

"How much longer till the next town?" I ask.

"About 30 minutes." He says. Then a second later he realizes who I am and bows.

"Thanks, and get off your knees you did me a favor so here's my favor."

"Thankyou princess."

A few kicks and we're off.

30 minutes later I arrive in a busy town. I get off my horse and walk it to the bar.

I older man with a long beard is behind the bar serving drinks. Before I walk in I put my scarf over my head again.

The man smiles and I notice he's missing a tooth in the middle of his mouth. "What can I do for you?"

"Do you have a room I can stay in for tonight?"

"Ummmm." He scratches his chin.

"Oh yeah, there's an empty one in the attic. Mandy take over." He yells to a tall girl.

We walk up some stairs and even climb a ladder to a dusty room. It has a bed, chest, broken mirror, bucket, and one window.

"Thankyou. What's with the bucket?" I ask while handing over some coins.

"The bucket is for when you need to, you know."

Then I realize he means use the restroom.

"Just dump it out the window when your done." He smiles and walks out. I put all my stuff on the chest and plop on the bed.

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