The back seat

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A/N: A lot of people use it, but in different ways. Mine is nearly all different.


I sat in the house, worried and my head full of concern. How...? Why...? So many questions. I could only rethink what happened, reliving it maybe. But it was terrifying and I wish I could have listened. I SHOULD have listened. And now I'm paying the price.


I rolled up to the gas station in my small Fiat car. Bright blue, white stripes. I lined the backseats with soft faux fur cushions, white like the stripes. Black seats. MY type of car. I filled my tank and tried to pay by PayNGo, but sadly it wasn't working. Suddenly a man with a round face and black, dirty hair came up to me. Probably the man come to help me out. He called me to a side and said "Sorry to trouble you Miss, but it looks like you have a faulty credit card. I sighed. Lets just say, this wasn't the first time.

"Okay. I'll give you cash. Here you are...£100. Done and finished," I replied. He then pulled me inside his shop...and brought out a butcher knife. Okay, too far. I think he might be that mass murderer person...mental murderer...oh gosh. Before he could make a move, I ran, panicked, out of the station to my bright blue Fiat. I went on my way, but that treacherous man kept following me. Once he shone his headlights,full beam, into my car. I jerked round my neck and thought I saw a flash of red hair. Probably hallucinations from that party last night. I attended with my boyfriend, Zeph. It was brilliant! Wine and beer was unlimited too. Sweet times. I carried on driving till I got home...and remembered that I was house sitting a dog. Oh poop. I tied up my hair in a red bobble and set off again.

I arrived and reached for the doorbell.

A voice asked my purpose, then it let me inside, into a house which seemed like a mini mansion. There was the little poodle, Francesca, I think. She licked my fingers adoringly and woofed happily. Such a sweet puppy. She followed me into the master bedroom and sat down lightly on her bed. In five minutes, she was asleep. There was this really weird statue of a red headed lady standing in the room. She had a knife in her left hand, a basket in her right. What a weird ornament. Who would have the taste to like this? Obviously this family household do. Still, it's freaking me out, so I'm going downstairs. I arrived down and instantly the phone rang. I answered saying, "Hi it's Charlie Samwell, how can I help you?" Oddly, the voice said "I'm coming for youuuuu..." Prank call. For sure. My "cool" idiotic "friends" are probably trying to freak me out again. Damn them! But it's ringing again, laugh out loud. "I'm IN and I'm NEARBY..." Ugh! I went upstairs to check the cables on the phone. Then I noticed another thing- Francesca had gone really quiet. Ah, probably still asleep. Still, I'll go check on her. And oh, the sight I saw. The puppy was lying there, drenched in her own blood, a dozen or more knife marks in her body. With no head! And another disturbing sight. The red head lady statue had the pup's head in her basket, knife wet, with the odd drip of blood. What the... Never mind. I went downstairs and the phone rang. Hey, it might be the pizza place I'm ordering from later. "Doggie is dead...I'm on the way..." Huh? Was it the OWNER tricking me with the prank calls? Maybe...maybe indeed. Not another call. "I'm at the top of your staircase..." Okay, NOT the owner. What to do...? Police!

"Hello, police here-"

"There's a murder in a house I'm dogsitting for! They keep phoning me...HELP!"

"Okay, Miss, I'll trace the next call."


"I'll call back."

Bring bring. Thank word, the police!

"Get Out."

"Wait, wha-"


"Okay, but why?"

"I'll say when you're outside."

Then I bolted out of the door, slamming it shut behind me. Ten police cars were outside, three of which were armed, two animal. I spoke to the policeman who was on the phone (a PC Davidson, I should think) and he told me a heart stopping sentence.

"The murderer was in the master bedroom."

I stopped and stared at the man.

"We also spoke to a petrol station owner-"

"He tried to kill me!" I protested.

"-who saw the woman in your boot, so he was going to give you a knife and he tried warning you with his flashlights."


"We believed him."

"I understand."

Okay, so a murderer was in my boot? Let me just absorb that...

"Gotcha! Miss, meet the murderess, Mrs Salanie Dirtbroy. We have been tracking her for months. You did the right thing contacting us."

"Thanks, officers. Bye!"

And so they went away. I was safe, at last.


"Don't you mess with me again."

The three policemen lay, dead, in her jailcell. Then she escaped into the dark of the night.

"So..." she whispered to herself. "About that dogsitter..."

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⏰ Última atualização: Aug 25, 2013 ⏰

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