When the cradle falls.

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Every loving mother loves her children with all of her heart, soul and mind. If a cradle was to fall, the mother would reason with baby and make him good again. It is the same with our world. When we are good, Father loves. When we are bad, Father reasons. The cradle has fell.

It was a normal day in Liverpool. Streets bustling with happy shoppers, joyful children, entertaining advertisers. But a bond was breaking between the Father and His people. They were becoming afeared. Afraid of others. They were being mischievous too. Father would reason. Oh, he reasoned alright, but the people didn't listen. His OWN people! The bond broke. The sky turned extremely bright. People's skin was burning, shrivelling in the immense heat. Then everything tilted about 45•c. Somewhere, a mother rocked her kin, singing gently the following words.

"Rock a bye baby

On a tree top.

When the wind blows

Your cradle will rock."

A jerk followed this, but mother was dedicated, so continued her singing.

"When the bough breaks

The cradle will fall..."

But she couldn't finish the song, as the cradle fell, sending the sun into the world-down came the sun, heat and all.

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