Suicide on a high note

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A couple loved one another dearly. Their names were Petra and Frank. One day, they decided they would die together, so climbed the Eiffel Tower. As they counted "Three...," the man didn't want to jump. He didn't tell his wife though. She counted two and a one then leapt. She screamed at Frank, but he just stood there, watching her fall.

Later that day he went to a Gypsy fortune teller. She told him "As your wife died head first, she will kill you and haunt you head first." By now, Frank was terribly afraid. The gypsy then said "Lie flat between two mattresses tonight, eyes closed. If you open them, Petra will kill you." That just did it. Frank stormed home and lay in bed, I between two mattresses, eyes closed. About to go to sleep, he heard a faint voice, louder by the second.

"I'm coming...I'm going to get you...I'm coming...I can't see you...I'm coming..."

It was Petra. Frank glued his eyes tightly shut. Then the voice disappeared. He was safe. Could he open his eyes? He hoped so... So he did. Then a dreaded voice came back. "I'm coming to get you.......................... I found you." Then Frank was dragged under the floorboards and never seen again.

DOLLYOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora