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Hey guys! That is May and all rights go to the owner(I found this on Google).

May's POV
As I sat there and wept, Herobrine picked me up and layed me down on the bed. Max was gone. I knew I wouldn't be able to see him. He was like a brother I never had. He was always there for me.


"Haha!" An enderboy laughed. "You're a girl! You don't t belong with big boys like us!" As they pushed and shoved me down I heard someone yell something. "Leave her alone!"

All the other enderboys turned their heads to see a boy glaring at them. "Come on guys. Lets leave these losers alone." The enderboy said and all of them walked some place else.

Then he walked up to me.

"Are you okay? Here-" he started. "I don't need your help. I'm fine."

"Mmhmmm, okay sureeeeeeee," he said teasingly. I giggled. "Mhhhmm, see all better."

And that was the start of a new friendship.

Flashback End

I wept harder just thinking about it. I felt so empty. So weird. So.....different. Like I was changing. Then I felt weak. "What's going......on?" My eyes grew heavy and my breathing slowed down. Before I could let darkness consume me I saw Herobrine standing in front of me.

"Sorry May....but you're mine."

Herobrine's POV
"Sorry May.....but you're mine." I said right before she fainted. I was changing her from the inside out.

I had to.

Now that Max was out of the way, she was mine and I wanted to add some new touches without her fighting me.

So instead of having violet purple hair and violet purple eyes, I turned them into a dark purple color (like in the the picture at the top). Changed her wardrobe a little bit and there she was.

She looked stunning. And right in time! She was starting to wake up.


More Than Just A Girl (Continuing)Where stories live. Discover now