Moon Eater Chapter 4: Hikajin Sea Monster

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Chapter 4: Hikajin Sea Monster

After our 2 day rest, we are trying to find a boat and a sailor. Of course, we need to pay for those and we are finding the cheapest but quality ride to cross the Hikajin Sea. It’s good that Byron has the “communication skills” and easily found a sailor with a boat. Her name was Cistana and I think that Byron have a crush on her.

Cistana called her ship Riathanos. It looks like a pirate ship to me and it feels awesome to ride it.

“All aboard! We have to cross the Hikajin Sea ASAP!” Cistana shouted.

After we board the ship, Cistana assigned one of his crew to take us all to Nallagidor. We also learned that Cistana is a Pirate Gunner but she said that she doesn’t have bad intentions on taking us with her journey.

“There are rumors about a giant monster living here in the Hikajin Sea. Its name was Yabakochi and it resembles a giant sea snake. I agreed to let you come for you to defend the ship. Many ships have been destroyed by Yabakochi.” Cistana quietly said to us.

I’m not sure if she’s saying the truth but I have a bad feeling about what’s going to happen. I saw Byron vomiting to the water. He’s going to be dizzy the whole trip and I concluded it.

“I’m having thoughts about this Yabakochi.” Luis uttered. “I think it’s a boss or something. Let’s find out if it has a red mark.”

“Considering what Luis said, the Yabakochi can really be a boss but to think of it, it’s hard to fight on the water.” Jinta followed.

“It’s not a problem!” Reena exclaimed. “I can frost the water just to give you space to fight on. I must prepare my MP potions. I don’t want to bother Angela for her to focus supporting you all.”

A plan has been made. Even if Yabakochi appears, we are prepared to encounter it.

“You guys. I am not feeling well travelling the sea but I can help if the platform is not shaky.” Byron said. “Can you nurse me Cistana? I feel good if I’m near you. And please, wear a two-piece when you are nursing me.”

I don’t believe the way Byron speaks. He’s dizzy and he pissed Cistana off.

“Shut up you perverted idiot!” Cistana shouted while kicking Byron’s balls.

“I think that’ll do. Daryl, assist this pervert to his room.” Luis said with a mocking tone.

I am just laughing at Byron. He’s an idiot trying to be cool to a pirate. Angela can’t help laughing to that idiot. Daryl brought Byron to his room after the deadly kicks Cistana delivered. Everyone went back to their rooms and took a rest for a day of voyage. It seems that the Yabakochi is not coming out this day.


I was surprised by that loud roar. I went out and equipped my equipment. Everyone was staring at a giant monster. The Yabakochi has appeared. Angela casted a few spells that gave us buffs.

“Cannonade to the Yabakochi!” Cistana commanded her crew.

Everyone charged to the sea monster. Reena casted the spell [Ice Path] for us to get near the Yabakochi. I opened the fight with the Yabakochi with a skill called [Armor Breaker] to decrease the monster’s toughness. Cistana launched an attack chain called [10,000 Gun Salute] while Jinta used another attack chain called [Arrow Volley]. Luis managed to get near and attacked the Yabakochi in melee range using the skill called [Sky Axe] followed by Daryl using [Thousand Stabber]. Byron finished the Yabakochi with his [Crushing Fall] empowered by Angela’s [Burning Perseverance]. We killed the Yabakochi and it was very rewarding to see what the monster’s loots are.

“That monster was a piece of cake. What level was it?” Byron asked.

“Its level 60 and it was easy because I used my skill [Armor Breaker] so its armor was weakened by 50%.” I replied.

“Also thank my buff [Burning Perseverance] that increased 75% of your [Crushing Fall]’s damage.” Angela followed.

“Relax guys. It’s teamwork that made us win. We just need rest because tomorrow, we will arrive at Nallagidor!” Cistana said.

Everyone was happy. We defeated a monster that is 15 levels above us. We are now all level 50 including Cistana. Reena also found a staff for herself in Yabakochi’s drops. We also found upgrade stones and gave it to Byron. We also gave Cistana a few upgrade stones.

“Good job. You managed to take all the damage of the Yabakochi and never let us be hurt.” Angela whispered to me.

“It’s just the right thing a tank will do in fights. Don’t bother thanking me. You also did your job as a support.” I replied to her.

I went to my room and slept soft to my bed. I am having a thought that I want to be here more but I remembered my parents back on the Earth. Do they worry about us?

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