Moon Eater Introduction

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“The first time I opened my eyes, I’ve seen the beauty of the world. Everything looks peaceful and the world was very quiet to me. My parents looked at me and I felt the warm feeling they gave to me. It is called love, the feeling of affection to another living organism. But in this world, there must be opposites to create equality. The opposite of love is called hate; it was a feeling due to envy of one organism to another. Having opposites may create equality but in this case, hate was more powerful than love.”

“As time passed by, my eyes were more wide open. I’ve seen that hate continued to spread in the world. Even I have been conquered by it. The old peaceful world I saw back when I was a child was nothing but a memory today. In the bigger view, the earth was a battleground. It was filled with countries fighting each other. In other words, this world was at war.”

“War, the world was at chaos. Big countries conquer small ones, alliances were made. Resources were the biggest bounty. There is death every day. Innocent people cannot do anything with big forces fighting. Everyone could wish about peace but it seems to be impossible. Devastation is with every battle. Countless lives were wasted. The world looked out like a wasteland.”

“My eyes were overwhelmed by this view. As a kid seeing this type of surrounding, it feels like I should grow up strong to defeat the enemies of my country. I know that there is only a small chance of living your life to the fullest, but I still aimed for it. I dreamt of changing the world and make it a peaceful place but it seemed impossible.”

“Then one day, a miracle happened. At last, there was peace here on earth. An unexplainable event happened. The moon, it was swallowed by a planet-like thing and it stopped the earth from revolving around the sun. It may be a miracle from God that he brought down this planet-looking thing on the earth’s orbit. I may use the word “warped” because it just suddenly appeared in front of the earth. Earth suddenly revolved around this planet. It was called the Moon Eater.”

Those were my great-grandfather’s story; it was passed on through generations. I, Kiroro, was the 20th generation of my grandpa. This year is the 250th year when that Moon Eater appeared. Humans successfully laid its hands on it with the help of technology 150 years ago. I personally admired technology; it was a good breakthrough in the human history. Many things were made by this science and it helped the world in improving on its own. But here in year 2050, earth’s resources was gradually depleted. They thought that the Moon Eater might have many resources because it wasn’t touched for almost 100 years.

Now, they have created a bridge to the Moon Eater. The station was placed in the place where the moon used to be. They created researches in the Moon Eater with the help of new technology. 250 years without any wars. We should be thankful to this Moon Eater but it created limits in the human race. One example is human beings cannot plant crops. But due to time and technology, the created a reflector that reflects the rays of the sun that is blocked by the Moon Eater. It was placed in the Moon Eater. The equality of day and night was restored in those times.

Suddenly, the earth lacked space. Many people including us needed to move to the Moon Eater. Moon Eater was as big as the Jupiter. It was also like earth but it was very creepy. There were no houses before but now, 1/8 of the Moon Eater was filled with humans. Earth extended its arms to the Moon Eater.

The Moon Eater does not have any day or night. The side facing the sun was called Dayland and the other side was called Darkland. Of course, the residential district was ¾ belonging to the Darkland. The moon was Dayland’s and Darkland’s border. Every day, ships from earth continued to ship resources to earth. It feels like earth was dependent to Moon Eater.

But today, August 23, 2050, an unexpected event happened. Moon Eater was warped again. Residents living in the Moon Eater felt very dizzy after a disastrous warp.

“What happened?” these were the screams of the people.

Who would be not surprised from that event? Some people may have also lost their loved ones who live in the Earth. Suddenly, you were in the middle of nowhere and you don’t know what’s happening.  There was a star but it doesn’t look like the star in our Solar System, the Sun. This star looks young. Its color was very bright, not like our star, it looks to be yellow-orange.

It is good that all the most modern technology was warped with us. But there was a big hole in the grounds where the moon was placed. It seems like the moon isn’t warped with us. There was only one question in the mind of everyone; where are we?


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