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Placing the dirty plates and bowls into the dishwasher I heard Luke emerge from the hallway, his jogging bottoms and sleep shirt sticking to his tones body. Shamelessly I averted my gaze to the window that showed the garden me and Tyler sat in most of this morning, lazily talking about our families; telling stories and laughing along with each other.

"Where's Tyler and Marina?" Luke muttered, walking past me to switch the kettle on. The water started to boil as he added a tea bag to a dark mug he pulled from the mug tree.

"They went out earlier, she was going to wake you but she felt bad so she just left," I answered, closing the dishwashers door and clicking the buttons, "She said she'll be back in a couple of hours."

"And Tyler went with her?"

"Yeah... Why do you sound so shocked?" I adjusted my shirt, pulling it a little further down my thighs. I did have shorts on, but as they were bed clothes, they were quite short. I felt Luke stare at me from across the kitchen, his eyes looking up and down my legs.

"Because Tyler hates going places with us, even when he was little." Luke gulped down at the steaming tea that he had just poured, his pupils still concentrating on me. With a small flush brimming on my face I turned around, gripping the counter tops as I leant towards the window. I hoped the flowerbeds would take my mind off of my boyfriends dad who was checking me out.

"Maybe I should go and get changed." I whispered, the feeling of his eyes raking up my behind making me feel slightly uncomfortable.

"Why would you do that? I'm not going to judge you, Violet." Luke placed the cup down next to me, making me jump out of my skin. His figure loomed over mine, his breath hot against my shoulder.

"Luke! Marina!" A voice screeched through the house, making Luke stand back.

A couple entered the kitchen, both of them wearing matching tracksuits and dark sunglasses. The man was dark haired, crinkles by his eyes as he shook Luke's hand. The woman was slightly taller than me, her brown hair swept back into a low ponytail, her hazel eyes widening as she looked between me and Luke.

"Now please tell me I'm wrong, but you're not cheating on your wife with this young thing?" The lady tutted towards Luke, her eyebrows knitted together in confusion.

"Lydia, you've got to be kidding me," Luke chuckled, "This is Tyler's girlfriend, she's stopping a few weeks."

Lydia clamped a hand around her mouth, shaking her head, "Oh gosh, Luke I'm sorry! I should've known!"

"So what are you doing here? Like Louis, I'm surprised you're even up!" Luke finished his cup of tea before settling on one of the barstools. Louis and Lydia exchanged excited looks before she stuck her hand in front of Luke's face. A small, silver band decorated her ring finger, small diamonds glittering against the tanned skin.

"He proposed to me last night! Isn't it beautiful?" She clenched her fist in pure ecstasy, jumping up and down on the spot. I pulled the material of my shirt further down, scared that this couple would be judging me for being alone with Luke and wearing practically nothing.

"Congratulations! Marina will be back soon, I'm sure she'd love to hear all about it..." Luke pinched the sides of his nose, sneakily trying to get rid of the overwhelming couple standing in his kitchen. Louis realised what he was doing and mouthed "Sorry" as he escorted his fiancé out of the room.

"Now that's why I don't like Marina socialising with people," Luke stood from the stool, raising an eyebrow as I knelt a little to give my thighs more coverage, "Why are you hiding your legs away from me? I'm not going to do anything."

"I know, it's just I feel a little inappropriate seeing as you're my boyfriends dad!" I padded over to the fridge, opening it with one hand and peering inside. It was full of foods - unhealthy and healthy types. Most of the food was sectioned into little plastic boxes, name tags stuck on the tops of each one. Most of Marina's boxes contained fruit and vegetables, whereas Luke's was full of sweet, sugary foods.

"I'm going to go and jump in the shower before they come back," Luke leant on the doorframe, his arms crossed, "If you ned anything give me a shout."

"Can I make myself some food?" I felt rude for asking, but the rumble in my stomach was not going to die down anytime soon.

"Of course you can, princess."

MY BOYFRIENDS DAD ➳ LUKE ROBERT HEMMINGSWhere stories live. Discover now