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I awoke to the sound of stifled moans and the headboard to someones bed gently hitting against a wall. Turning on my side, I took Tyler's shoulder, shaking him softly to try and get him awake. Within a couple of minutes his eyes fluttered open, his whole mind a little disorientated. But it didn't take him long to hear what had woken me up.

"Oh fucking hell! Tell me that's not my parents having sex, please tell me that's not what I'm hearing..." He threw the covers off of himself and clambered out of bed, his feet hitting the floor with a soft thump. The rocking of their bed continued, the moans becoming more and more louder.

"Tyler this is quite uncomfortable for me?" I sat up on my elbows, watching his through hooded eyes as he flicked a lamp on, settling on the edge of the bed. His bare back shone dimly in the light, the freckles that speckled his lower back slightly hidden by the waistband of his shorts.

"It's quite uncomfortable for me too, Vi'," He dragged his hands over his face, trying to wake himself up a little more, "This is so embarrassing, I'm so sorry!"

I closed my eyes, letting a small laugh tumble from my lips, "The first night I stay over and we hear your parents 'getting' it on! How fun!"

"Come on, I'll show you the garden." Tyler rose from the bed, beckoning me with his hand.

"Ty' it's half two in the morning! Don't you think it's a little to early for giving me a guided tour?" I giggled, but still took his hand nonetheless. Tyler had always been spontaneous; he'd turn around at the most unexpected times and take us on a road trip, or in the middle of the night he'd wake me up and take me to a 24 hour ice cream shop where we'd sit until the sun rose and realise we were still in our pyjamas.

Silently we crept down the hallway and we couldn't help but cringe as we walked past his parents room, the moans suddenly getting a lot louder than they were before. With our separate hands over our mouths, we stumbled down the stairs, our palms muffling the throaty laughs that tried to escape.

Leading me through the to kitchen, he ran his finger over a small board where all the keys hung, picking up a light blue one which was labelled 'Garden 1'. Twisting the key into the lock, we stepped out into the chilly morning air, the moon still visible in the sky.

Lines of flower beds welcomed us as we walked down a mosaic patterned path, the grass behind the flowers crisp and dew dropped. Two large trees sat either side of the path, a tire swing hanging from one and the other decorated with conkers that were yet to fall off the branches. We tiptoed around the pavement before coming to a circled patio, a wooden table in the middle of it with six chairs pushed underneath.

A string of fairy lights hung from a wooden fence that outlined the patio, giving off a small amount of light. I followed him to a chair, scraping it back against the concrete and taking a seat on the edge. The wood was cold and icy which stung my warm skin as I sat back, my eyes wide as I searched around the garden, finding little splashes of Tyler's childhood.

A old tricycle sat up against the far tree, rust running up the main pipes of the framework. The tire swing was engraved with marks - names and doodles. Footballs and cricket balls littered the grass, some of them deflated and just pieces of thick rubber.

"Let's get married," Tyler stated out of the blue. I snapped my head to face him, a confused look on my face. I loved Tyler, but we'd been together a couple of months. I wasn't ready to get engaged and get married - I was twenty one! He used his hand to rest his chin on, "Well, not right now. But soon, when things are like properly serious. We'll get married and have kids, like every couple do, but we'll be miles better than everyone else because we're us."

Shaking my head I let a small smile toy in my lips. I didn't want to shoot him down so I agreed, nodding my head in his direction. I loved him, I really did, but I was in no state to get married to him! Heck, I didn't even know if I wanted to get married at any time of my life.

"Maybe Ty', maybe." I whispered, brushing his hair that had fallen over his eyes.

"Well, that got emotional quickly!" Tyler sat upright suddenly, stretching his arms back and yawning loudly.

"What are we doing tomorrow?" I let out a small yawn too, crossing my arms over my chest as the wind picked up, whipping at my hair and exposed neck.

"Well I need to go somewhere with mom, it's a surprise though, so I'm afraid you'll have to stay with my dad... That's okay, right?" He stared at me through tired eyes, studying my face without saying a single word to me.

"I suppose it has to be, doesn't it? Well yeah, I don't mind at all, I might ask to see some of his other art pieces." I answered, my mind wandering to a picture of Luke painting, the paintbrush between his teeth, an old shirt covered with paint hanging on his broad shoulders.

"You're a loser," He giggled, ruffling my hair across the table, "But you're my loser."

MY BOYFRIENDS DAD ➳ LUKE ROBERT HEMMINGSWhere stories live. Discover now