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Dedicated to @sajmra because she is an absolute inspiration!

"The fairest things have fleeted end, their scent survives their close;

But the rose's scent is bitterness, To him that loved the rose." -Francis Thompson.

chapter one

The crimson sky dulled a bit into soft orange hues making the sky more beautiful than ever. There was just something so serene about sunsets that nothing else could compare to. Samairah sat on a wooden-chair swing hanging under a small sideroof on the terrace as she infinitely stared at the ever so slightly changing colours of the sky. As she curled up comfortably in the concavity of the swing, the thoughts of her day rolled over and over in her mind. It was a special day today but she didn't expect any of the surprising events that occurred.

Woodland University. One of the oldest and most prestigious institutions of the city and she finally got an admission into it. And today was her very first day. Nevertheless, even after going through four years of college and being an Engineering student at a reputed college, she still couldn't shake off the anxiety and nervousness in the morning. She hastily had her breakfast and fiddled all through the way to her Uni. Meeting her two best friends, Sana and Saba provided her solace and helped her anxiety notch down a bit. The same thoughts would always plague her mind, what if I don't fit in. Ever since childhood, each new place she went, she'd constantly beat herself up being anxious about "not fitting in". Although she ended up being liked by almost everyone each time. But she never learned to be confident about herself. The anxiety never went away.

Sana rattled on and on how beautiful the campus was and that there were many spots close by they could go while they bunk classes. She gave Sana a you'll-never-change look. But Saba didn't let it go away.

"We haven't even stepped into the uni properly and here you are planning about bunking classes", Saba scolded playfully.

"Yes, Sana, we won't bunk this time. MBA is not a joke. It was okay in Eng. but we need to be serious here", Samairah said trying to make a solemn face.

"Aha", Sana snickered. They knew that Samairah would be the first one to agree for any chance to get away from class.

"That's because", Samairah started in her defence.

"Because?", Sana and Saba teased knowing too well that Samairah would only make a lame excuse.

Samairah was saved by the arrival of some senior who ushered everyone to assemble in the auditorium for the commencement of Orientation Ceremony. They rushed into the auditorium and grabbed their favourite spot, neither too front nor too back, right in the middle. Somewhere from where the podium would be clearly visible but you wouldn't be clear to the speaker. Just like always, they got their favourite spot and they grinned at each other evilly as they rejoiced for finding it even in this new auditorium.

The sat there listening to speeches for almost two hours. All the while, they spoke in hushed voices, cracked jokes when someone would say something obtuse during their talks and talked about everything that went on their minds. That's how it was. Always. When the three of them were together, they could never shut up. There was always something more to talk. Always something that went on in their heads that they had to tell the rest two. And hours seemed like seconds and time flew by and they always seemed to have the time of their lives, just by being together, no matter what the occasion.

After the speeches concluded, they were asked to step out into the open space and were told that now they could eat, speak to seniors or roam about the campus. They had an MBA Block at the uni, although they could roam anywhere in the grounds of the uni. It was a very vast campus, filled with lush greenery, dotted with colourful flowers whose fragrance littered the paths. It was designed in a very elegant yet uncomplicated way. You'd think it was easy to get lost, but there were boards guiding you every little distance and also boards with the map located at close spots.

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