Chapter Eight:

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"Do you, Maia Peregrine Wells, take thee, Severus Tobias Snape, to be your lawfully wedded husband, to be bound together in love, magic and matrimony from this day until your last?"

Setting up an official identity for Maia had been far simpler then she'd expected. For a generous sum of galleons, the goblins were capable of creating excellent forgeries and with Albus applying the right amount of pressure to the right Ministry Departments, 'Maia' was officially a twenty-eight year old halfblood witch who'd been born in England, educated in America and then moved back to Britain following the tragic deaths of her parents in a muggle car accident.

As soon as Maia officially existed, Hermione and Severus wasted no time in holding a very small, very private wedding— and by that, she meant that the only guest in attendance was Albus, and he was only invited because they required a witness. Other then Albus and themselves, the only other person present was the minister, a witch by the name of Wendelyn; having a female minister had been Hermione's only request for her wedding.

As Wendelyn asked if she took Severus to be her husband, Hermione could feel the love she felt finally cool the dark rage and hate boiling in her veins. Her vendetta had been fulfilled, her journey had reached its completion and it was time for her to take a step towards her new, shining future.

"I do," she said, softly, reverently, smiling up at her almost-husband, who was looking very handsome in his dress-robes.

They'd decided to dress formally, despite the lack of guests and a reception. Severus had ordered a pair of tailored dress-robes and had tied his hair back with a piece of dark velvet and Hermione had tamed her characteristic bushy curls, twisting her chestnut locks into an elegant knot held in place by a floral comb that had belonged to Eileen Prince, Severus's deceased mother. A single curl hung dark between her shoulder blades, a startling contrast to the sweeping white dress and Hermione's creamy skin.

"Do you, Severus Tobias Snape, take thee, Maia Peregrine Wells, to be your lawfully wedded wife, to be bound together in love, magic and matrimony from this day until your last?"

For a single moment of madness, Hermione was abruptly terrified that Severus would back out, that he'd run, bolt, leaving her alone and with nothing, like she had existed for so many years, in a time bereft of those she loved.

As if sensing her fear, Severus gently squeezed her hands, looking down at her with such love that all her doubts and insecurities were swept away. "I do." He said and Hermione blinked away the tears that briefly blinded her.

"Then I declare you bonded for life. You may kiss the bride," the minister said, raising her wand, letting a shower of golden stars rain down on them. Severus reached forwards, gently cradling her head in his hands then kissing her. Hermione kissed him back, deeply and passionately and filled with so much love it felt as if she might float away.

It took Albus clearing his throat for them to break apart several minutes later, both turning a touch sheepishly towards their single guest. Albus's cheeks were a touch pink, but the old wizard looked delighted. "May I be the first to offer my congratulations to the new couple," he said and Hermione at long last found herself letting go of her anger and forgiving him.

"Of course you may, Albus." She said with a smile and Severus laughed.

"You'll be the only person to offer their congratulations," he reminded the headmaster.

"Nonsense," Albus declared, "Minerva will be thrilled by the news!"

"Good Merlin," Severus grumbled good-naturedly, "must you tell her?"

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