Chapter Seven:

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"I've been working on something," Severus said. Hermione, who was curled up next to him, half-tangled in his sheets, turned her head slightly so she could look him in the eye.


"It's a modified Ageing Potion," he said, speaking a touch hesitantly, but Hermione's interest was immediately piqued.

"What does it do?" she asked eagerly and Severus relaxed again, turning his head so as to press his lips briefly to her temple.

"It has a much longer life-span then a normal Ageing Potion– nearly a month." He murmured and she smiled.

"That would be wonderful," she admitted, "constantly wearing the body of the child I'm really not... it's exhausting, truly. And I honestly loathe having to take the Ageing Potion every three hours– it hurts like buggery, and tastes like... well, it tastes like I imagine licking a bed pan would taste like."

"Thank you for enlightening me to that fact," Severus said dryly.

"You're welcome, Sev." She said sweetly, twisting in the bed so she could bat her eyelashes at him. Severus shuddered.

"Maia, I swear on Salazar's name that if I ever, ever hear that god awful version of my name again, I will slip the one who said it a potion that will permanently alter their anatomy!"

"Oh you wouldn't," Hermione laughed giving him a playful wink, "you like my anatomy far too much."

"Perhaps," Severus easily admitted before leaning over to kiss her. Hermione responded eagerly, running her fingers through his silky hair as she deepened the kiss before hooking a leg around his waist and rolling them both over so she was straddling his waist.

"Today, I'm in charge," she told him playfully, "all you have to do is sit back and enjoy."

Severus seemed more then happy to oblige.

After their love making, as they both laid on top of the silken sheets, Severus brought up the topic he'd originally broached before they'd become... distracted.

"If you use the modified Ageing Potion with the extended life, you realise you won't be able to remain as Hermione Granger." He pointed out, appearing to be choosing his words carefully.

"Or I can tell my parents I'm transferring to a different school," Hermione said lightly, "a muggle boarding school would be the best cover— it would be a simple matter to fake the records, and when I'm required to make an appearance, I can use a glamour."

Severus gave her a long, assessing look that made her feel like his dark eyes were dissecting her. Surprisingly, it didn't make her feel uncomfortable. "You've thought this through," he observed out loud and she nodded.

"I prepared for every eventuality." She told him easily. "There was always a chance I'd need to disappear."

"Do you think the Dark Lord will go for the Stone tomorrow?" Severus asked, quieter now, and Hermione observed the planes of his face, the tightening features of his stress and the fresh worry lines around his eyes.

He was worried for her.

In response to his fear, she caressed his face and smiled warmly. "I'm one of the only people on this planet who can say that they truly know and understand Tom Marvolo Riddle, Severus." She said. "I've seen his childhood, I've studied his descent into Darkness and insanity, and I've witnessed his death. I know that he will go for the Stone tonight."

"I want to be there with you," her lover argued stubbornly and Hermione shook her head.

"He's not so weak as to be unable to sense another magical presence in the room," she reminded him, softly but firm. "Wait with Albus. I'll have a two-way mirror on my person at all times so you can hear every spoken word between us."

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