Chapter Five:

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"Hey Hermione!"

Hermione turned to the sound of her sister's voice, a touch surprised. She had barely spoken three words to Cordelia since the troll incident, avoiding her because of her friendship with Harry and Ron. Seeing Cordelia standing with the two boys who had once been her best friends sent a jagged pain through her heart and she had to wait a few seconds before answering to avoid her voice cracking.

"Yes?" she asked with a light (fake) smile. Cordelia smiled back at her, as warm and loving as she always was, despite not understanding her older sister. Their parents thought Hermione's inability to emotionally connect with them was due to a form of autism, not an unreasonable assumption considering they were unaware of her severe PTSD that had been augmented by nearly fifteen years of social isolation— she was fairly sure that Cordelia saw herself as needing to protect Hermione, which Hermione honestly found amusing.

"I know you love reading," Cordelia said, "plus I'm pretty sure you know everything—" Hermione couldn't help her smile and Cordelia beamed in response to it, "—so I was wondering if you knew who Nicholas Flamel was?"

"Nicholas Flamel is a six hundred and sixty four year old wizard who is responsible for the creation of the Philosopher's Stone." Hermione told Cordelia, and Harry and Ron, after a brief internal debate.

"How the heck can someone live for over six hundred years?" Cordelia asked, her jaw dropping open.

"And what's the Philosopher's Stone?" Harry added.

"The Philosopher's Stone in an alchemy masterpiece," Hermione answered, keeping her voice carefully neutral as she addressed Harry. "It can turn metal into gold, and is the key ingredient in a potion known as the Elixir of Life. While drinking the Elixir, a witch or wizard cannot die from natural means."

The trio traded significant looks, not at all subtle despite what they probably thought, and Ron grinned at her.

"Thanks 'Mione," he said and Hermione froze. Next to Ron, Cordelia looked like she wanted to face-palm.

"Ron, you idiot," she groaned and Hermione finally thawed enough to hiss in an icy voice,

"Don't call me that!"

Ron looked confused, but Cordelia linked her arm with his and started pulling him away, giving Hermione an apologetic look over her shoulder. "Thank you so much for the help!" She called out and Harry hurried after them, giving her a quick smile as he did so.

Hermione had to concentrate on her breathing, shards of ice in her lungs from where heart and frozen and then shattered. Only her Ron had ever called her 'Mione and she'd be damned before she let anyone else do it.


"I've had an idea,"

Hermione twisted around in the bed so she was looking at Severus, a curious look on her face. "Oh? What about?" she asked.

"Getting the Diary," he told her, looking immensely pleased with himself. "The Malfoys just sent my invitation to their annual Yuletide Ball and I was hoping that 'Maia' wanted to accompany me as my plus one."

"That... that could really work," Hermione said, her heart speeding up with excitement at the thought of another Horcrux within reach. Severus rolled his eyes in a fondly exasperated manner.

"Could you sound any more surprised?" he asked with a mock-glare and she smiled sheepishly.

"I do really like that idea," she admitted. "It's clever and sneaky— very befitting of a Slytherin." She added with a cheeky grin. Severus looked smug.

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