Chapter Seven: Jail Break

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It's been too long guys...

Please don't kill me.

I mean hey a lot has happened since I've updated. I had my first kiss... With a dolphin named Cindy. And I got nominated for an award for my performance in my school's play which is also cool (and unbelievable).

I've adopted Ronan Lynch, Death the Kid, and also share custody of Ethan (from Zeroes) with Brie Cheese (Sabrina).

And I'm working on an original story to hopefully publish and a Chaos fanficiton to also hopefully publish.

So yes, lots of reasons to not kill me for not updating.

Including the fact that this chapter is super long.


She wakes. No, she's waking. Or maybe she's been awake all along. Regardless, her eyes are opening. Were opening.

There is (was, will be) a heavy pressure on her veins. Pushing (pushed? pushes) down in specific pinpoints, only adding (added, adds) to the pain pulsing (pulsates? Pulsated, perhaps...?) through her head.

A sudden sharp pain shoots (shooting, she thinks, shooted) through her left arm, and with much difficulty, she turned (turned, turnsss) her head stiffly to glance (glancing, glanced) at tube connected (connecting, connects) to the bulging (bulge) veins covered (covering) on her scarred (scars, scarring) arms. It leads (leading) to a pouch of clear liquid hanging (hang, hangs) on a metal rack.

She glances (glanced, glancing) towards the table on the side of her cot, and finds (found, founded? Does that even work in this situation, probably not... Definitely not... Right?) a note scratched (scratching... scratches) in black pen is sitting (sits, sat) there, and she reaches (reached) out a shaking hand to grab (grabbed) it. It hurts (HURTING)  to read (reads, reading) it, her eyes are burning (BURNED) as she does (did).

    Hello Rachel, hope you and Delphi (how could I forget about her?) are feeling better. You overdosed again, so I've managed to score a few days of rest before you're back to work again. I suspect the effects of your last dose are still lingering (they always do), so you will have some withdrawal symptoms a few hours after you've read this note. I'll keep sending it in though, don't worry about it, I know you will. Although when you next come to the Medical Bay I hope to hear of yours and Delphi's progress without the drug. Make sure to use the markers.


Not having (have, had) much strength, she drops (dropped, dropping) her arm to her chest, and the note falls (falling) out, and flutters (fluttered) down her chest.

She takes a shuddering (shuddered? That's not a word is it...) breath, fire and acid burning (bURNED) her lungs.

A marker rolls (rolled) off her chest, prompting (prompted? prompts?) her to raise (raised) her heavy arms.

A number spots (S P O T T E D) across them, done in the messy black ink of the marker. Thirteen burns (burned burning) into her vision, over and over as the smudged (smudging, smudges) numbers pop from her scraped (scraping, scraps) skin.

And on her forearm vines and thorns wrap around (around and around) each other, flowers burst (BURSTING) across them.

From the plants blooms (bloomed) a word, large and elaborate, and even with the burn (burning, burned) in her eyes she has no trouble reading (readed. No, no, that's not a word, not a tense) it.

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