Ch. 4 Satan's Daughter

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Wesely's POV

"Dude you still watch him?" Ashely groaned, barely drinking her iced coffee as she rubbed her head. Hangovers were a bitch.

"Yes, you judging my life decisions?" I asked, holding my chest trying to seem genuinely offended. Her eyes looking up at me as she paused her self head massage.

"I mean yeah..kinda. Remember that time that Fred-"

"Don't bring that kid up." I said putting my hand over my mouth.

"You're Harry's Fred." She said, her voice muffled from my hand. Both of us looking off in the distance remembering the creepy kid that would stalk me all freshman year. Shivering unison.

"That's not the point... Harry is the perfect guy for my video. Just look at him pretending to be a bad boy and shit." I said gesturing my hand out to the curly haired boy, his hand stuck deep in his pocket. Yup, he was definitely a phony. "Come everyone knows bad boys wear black and listen to rock or some shit. Not fucking country." I practically laughed out, remembering how he tried to tune me out with his dumbass "baby look them doors and turn the lights down low" shit.

"Okay, would if he doesn't wear black and would if he doesn't listen to rock. And okay, yes you want to get to know him. But come on Wes, there's plenty of other ways other than borderline stalking him." She said, looking at me sideways.

"Yes there are other ways, does it look like I..." I said pausing to wave my finger around my face in a circle. "Me Wesley Willams wants to try those ways? No." Twitching my eye for the extra over dramatic affect, Ashley slouching in her chair crossing her arms giving me the "you're ridiculous" face.

"You love me." I said patting her cheek, standing from the table picking up my bags and prancing my little ass right up to him. For the second time.

"Yo!" I said bumping into him with my shoulder on purpose.

"You're kidding. I thought this was over, yay you fucking did it got in my car. Oh! And bonus played fucking Khia." He said, sarcastically not looking at me. He liked it. He definitely loved it.

"Better than your country music shit." I scoffed.

"Hey babe! Sorry about making you wait." A thin little red head exclaimed, too fucking excited for my liking. Personally, and probably Harry's dark ass liking too. Harry dipping his head down to kiss the girl on the lips.

Whoa, whoa, whoa! He had a girlfriend? Someone as dark and boring as him..with a girlfriend not a girl friend. Wow! The more you know.

"Hey so you're not gay eh?" I said nudging his arm, his lips detaching from the girls slowly turning around to glare at me. "!" I continued to nudge him, watching as the scowl deepened on his face.

"What. Did. You. Just. Say?"

"Yo chill, gay..happy ya know?" I shrugged breathing out an awkward laugh.

"Uh Boo bear? Who's that girl..." Meredith asked awkwardly. Causing Harry to freeze and me as well, his cheeks reddening as I bit down on my lower lip. Fuck, I can't hold it in anymore.

"Boo bear!" I laughed slapping my knee, Harry's fists clenching at his sides as he stared at me in my hysteria. Watching as my body moved back and forth, my hand hugging my stomach. Nope he's definitely no true bad boy.

"She's...." He said clearing is throat and nudging my arm roughly, making me stop my actions wiping tears away. But for real that nudge kinda hurt, relax boo bear. "Is no one." He continued, plastering the worlds most fake smile on his face. As I completely stopped holding my chest leaning back, dropping my jaw staring at him.

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