Ch. 3 I Don't Sell Molly

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Wesley's POV

"" He said through gritted teeth, his eyes dark and his face red with anger. Now he's mad.

"Well currently, the hulk is holding me by my new halter shirt I bought for this shitty par-" I began, looking down at his hand on my shirt before he cut me off.

"I mean why was your ass on me."

"Macho Man liked it." I said raising my brow at him, my lips curving into a smirk. His green eyes narrowing at me as I stared right back at him smirking.

"Stop smiling at me like that." He hissed, his cheeks turning an even deeper shade of red. "Why you blushing?" I questioned while wiggling my eyebrows at him.

"Because you piss me off."

"Nah I don't think that's it." I said cockily.

"Yo Styles! Who's the cute girl with the curly hair?" A blonde haired boy asked from behind him asked, throwing me a wink. He was cute, but he looked too young and Wesley is not a cougar.

"She's no one. And I thought I told you to stay in the car." He bellowed. Well damn, I know I'm annoying but cute boy wants to know my name so hit him up.

"I'm Wesley." I smiled, outstretching my hand to be shaken by the boy for the pleasure of annoying Harry even more. "Niall." The boy replied shaking my hand.

"Anyway..we have something to pick up so if you wouldn't mind fucking off I would highly appreciate it." He said dropping me to the ground, causing me to fall flat on my ass. Aw what a gentlemen, not.

"I actually would mind fucking off." I scoffed, standing to my feet brushing my shorts off in one swift motion. Yanking him down by his shirt bringing him way down to my eye level. "Listen up buddy-" Just as I start everything, I'm always interrupted.

"My man." A brown haired boy said patting Harry's shoulder causing him to tense.

"Would both of you get your crusty hands off of me." He said peeling my hand from his dumb crisp probably five dollar black shirt, and the boys' hand from his shoulder.

"Yo relax Hazza." The guy pushed.

"I'm not in the mood for you to be bothering me Liam." He said shoving him away from him. "Can we just get this over with." He hissed through gritted teeth. What the hell is going on here? Oh shit, drugs. What else would it be? Well, looks like momma's got college Pablo on her hands.

"Fine dude, relax." He said, breathing out an awkward noise between a laugh and cough only causing the scowl on Harry's face to deepen. "Alright come with me." He said after clearing his throat. Harry following behind him, my eyes following them as they took a few steps away from me.

"So ya-" Niall began to make a move on me before being dragged along by Harry.

Wow, this could be a big hit on my video. My video diary will be the shit, all I have to do is film whatever is going with this college Pablo and BOOM! Easy A+.

Yes! That's it, Wesely you smart son of a gun. I thought before scurrying back to the couch to find people doodling on Ashley's forehead, as she sat slumped unaware of what was going on.

"Hey, don't do that to her-" I started the people pausing their actions to turn around and glare at me. "Eh fuck it, keep doing that." I shrugged, causing them all to shrug in unison. I opened her bag digging until I found my phone pulling it out.

Picking up my pace pushing through the crowd to find the three drug lords heading towards a rather large shed. The door swinging open, then closing after they all entered.

Faking it~H.STahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon