chapter 4

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I woke up to 2 figures arguing. The pearl and the.. rose quartz gem? How does the boy have rose Quart'z gem? I, at least, still have my bag. I heard a groan, and turned around to see priscilla sitting up. She had a bruise on her forehead. I sat up only to be practically pinned down by the fusi- garnet. I pulled out the destabilizer and pressed the button... the fus-garnet warped and two smaller gems fell onto the ground. oh crap, ive gotta play innocent. I looked at the weapon and said, "yellow diamond lied, this should be a weapon, not a fusion breaker. " They refused and garnet said, "Did you really think we'd believe your lies." Suddenly the peridot walked in. Her eyes widened at the sight of me. ok. Everyone here is stonger than me, even though i'm one of the strongest diamonds. I acknowledged peridot, and turned back to garnet. They all pulled out their weapons, and suddenly the child ran in and said, " LET HER GO!" The pearl yelled, "GET OUT OF HERE STEVEN!" There's one possible way out of here, the door to my right.

Defective: A Green Diamond StoryWhere stories live. Discover now