chapter 3

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*green diamond's pov*

My pea- I mean the pearl. I asked her to come with me on my mission. I'm always nice to her, she's my best friend. She does get mad at me when I'm cruel to her in front of other gems... oh well. I also think of her as my equal, and of other pearls as less. I shrink down to 5''2 and entered the ship. yay.. mission time.

*2 hours later*

Pearl and I exited the ship. I saw 4 shapes running towards. From what I could see it was a fusion, an amethyst, a pearl and a kid. They stopped and their eyes flickered to my gem.I looked at my pearl and said, "Step aside. If they decide to attack, i don't want them to hurt you." She smiled slightly and listened. I walked up and said, " Hello, my name is green diamond. I am- was one of the leaders back on homeworld. Over there's priscilla, the pearl who is assigned to help me. We're not here to fight... we're here to be part of the rebellion. " I looked at the crystal gems as they kept their weapons up. Where did the  pearl go. Suddenly i got hit in the back of my head. I passed out.

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