Cas x Reader ~ two

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Imagine: Castiel is keeping you company while the boys are out on a hunt and tries to explain that he has feelings for you.

Bobby Singer. Bobby was the only family you had left after the vamp attack on your home town. They ripped and tore and destroyed everything. It was a small place, not much to look at or to do, but it was where your childhood was taken from your, gruesomely and so you remembered every detail. Every twist and turn and alley was engraved in your mind. You survived because Bobby was there to save you. Only you though, he couldn't reach your parents in time. You were barely nine years old when it all happened. Bobby took you away, taught you, raised you, loved you. And nearly fourteen years later, you had become one of the best hunters around. Bobby treated you like a daughter. So, when he died, you were crushed. The last person on earth who was willing to show you love was gone, leaving you isolated and empty. Or so you thought. Before Bobby's death, he had written a letter to some of his friends asking them to find you once he was gone. He knew hell hounds were chasing his tail, so he wanted to make sure you were still protected and safe. He wanted to make sure you didn't do anything stupid. Like make a deal. That was what got him into such a mess in the first place- he made a deal with Crowley. Crowley, the double-crossing, soul-stealing dick. Crowley was also the King of Hell, so there wasn't much you could do to stop him.

The friends who Bobby had contacted prior to his death, were known as the Winchesters. Sam and Dean Winchester. You had met them once or twice when you were younger, you remembered them being funny, not much older than you, and incredibly brave. You admired the both of them. When they found you, mere months after Bobby's passing, they told you that they could help you, they could make things better. You weren't entirely sure why at the time, but you trusted them. Now you realise that you trusted them because Bobby trusted them, and he was right to.

A year later, you were still travelling with Sam and Dean, except it was no longer just the three of you. There was one other person who had joined you on your perilous adventures. His name was Castiel. He was such an angel- literally- and you and him shared quite a 'profound bond' as he put it. You two were completely different but it just... Kind of... Worked? You weren't sure how or why, you just knew that he meant the world to you. Everything in your life was perfect at that moment. Almost everything. Due to all the moving around and danger that surrounded you, you'd never been in a relationship that had lasted more than a week. You felt like you were missing out. Sure, one night stands were good and you knew not to get attached, but you couldn't help but feel lonely sometimes. Despite being with the boys, you felt like there was something missing. You wanted to fall in love, even if it was just for a second, you wanted to know what it felt like. In fact, you already knew, you had already fallen in love, you just hadn't realised. You'd fallen in love with Cas, a long time ago. Whenever you were sad, Cas would be there for you. When you were angry, he knew how to calm you down. When you were scared, he gave you the confidence to accomplish anything. He was always there for you, especially when Sam and Dean wouldn't let you go on a hunt. Cas would stick up for you because he knew how strong you were. But the boys would tease him and say that he was only doing that because he liked you. This always made him blush furiously. Often the embarrassment became too much, and he would zap out. He didn't stay away for long though, he would always come back once the boys had left, and he would keep you company. The two of you would watch movies and play games. Sometimes, you would just sit together on the couch, silently. Not an awkward or aggravated silence, a calm silence. You taught him about humanity and emotions, and he taught you about faith- it was a two way street. And each and every day, you fell deeper and deeper in love with him. You remember, one time, when you were sitting on the couch, wrapped up in a blanket, watching a movie, he nervously stretched his arm around your shoulder, hugging you. You hadn't expected it, so when you looked up at him, he removed his arm, almost panicking. "No, it's okay." You told him, softly. "I like it." When the words left your mouth, relief washed over his face and he once again laid his arm around you. You snuggled into him and eventually fell asleep. That was one of your favourite memories of the two of you. The reason you never told him about the way you felt was because you were afraid that he would be angry at you. There was something he said to you a long time ago that always sprung to mind whenever you considered telling him how you feel- the two of you were talking about angels, when out of the blue, he said "Normal angels don't feel compassion, or love, the same way humans do. Especially not towards humans. They have no emotions. The other angels don't realise what they're missing." In other words, Castiel was an angel, he could never love you, a human. Angels can't love. You had to admit, it stung a little when he said that, but you never let your guard down, you hid your feelings well.

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