Sam x Reader

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Imagine: You're at Bobby and Ellen's wedding reception. Sam needs to talk to you; he has something very important to ask you.

Multicoloured balloons and streamers, as well as the smiles of the friends and family, illuminated the inside of the bunker. You stared at the scene in awe. Never in your whole life had you ever believed that there would be a period of time in which you would feel so loved and so content. What a perfect wedding! Bobby and Ellen at the front- Cas leading the ceremony- you dressed in a pale, stone blue flower girl gown- and Dean and Sam smartly dressed in old suits, standing proudly either side of you.

When Sam had first seen you earlier that day, he woudn't stop gawking at you. Fair enough, you hardly ever wore dresses, because honestly, they weren't the best thing for hunting, but he didn't have to make a spectacle of it. As if you weren't already self-conscious enough.

Ellen and Bobby finished their vowes and shared a gentle kiss. You smiled softly, happy for the both of them. Bobby was like a father to you, and he was actually the reason you had met Ellen and her daughter Jo, and Sam and Dean. Through those few new aquaintances, you were introduced to Cas, Gabriel, Balthazar, Chuck, Sherrif Mills... And the list kept going. They meant everything to you, you wouldn't be alive if it weren't for these people. They took you in and taught you everything you know. And now you where all there, celebrating Bobby and Ellen's love. Well all of you except Jo. Unfortunately, she was killed in a car accident a few months prior to the proposal. Ellen was crushed, as well as everyone else. But most of all Dean. He had loved her... So much. He held for her the kind of love you imagine can only be real in fairytales. He just looked at her with this admiration that set your heart aflame. When the accident happened, he didn't talk to anyone for weeks. However, you and Sam helped him through it eventually. As a team, you showed him that he had people here to support him and that although it hurt, she was in a better place now. The way he looked at her lingered though- like he could still see her. You wished someone would look at you like that... Someone like... Sam. You'd had a crush on him for god knows how long. And slowly, that crush became a sorrowful pit of unrequited love. Except, it wasn't unrequited at all. In fact, he loved you more than you could imagine- you just didn't know it. You didn't know was that Sam did look at you that way; you just never saw him. He never let you see how much he loved you, because he was scared you would reject him. How wrong he was.

As the ceremony moved on, you all gathered in the front room to relax, have a drink and enjoy each other's company. You were standing, chatting with Sam, when Dean raised his glass and coughed to catch everyone's attention. A welcomed hush fell upon the room. He took and deep breath and began his speech.

"For as long as I can remember, I've never had a place to call home; always moving around, staying in crappy motels, I forgot what home felt like. That was, until, I met Bobby. Sam and I were lost, we were alone, together..." He paused and laughed nervously. "That doesn't really make sense but anyway." He sighed. "My point is, Bobby has been more of a father to me and Sam than our actual father. He's done more for us than anybody else. And I'll never be able to repay him for that. He gave us a home, showed us what having a real family was like and I can't thank you enough." Dean nodded at Bobby with tears in his eyes. He looked on the verge of crying, but he choked the tears down and continued. "All of us here owe Bobby a hell of a lot. We owe him our lives. We love you- we wouldn't be here today if we didn't mean that Bobby." By this point, a couple of tears trickled down Dean's cheek. Your vision started to blur too, when you felt Sam's hand snake around your waist. You looked up at him through your tears and he smiled at you reassuringly. You leant into him, resting your head on his chest. Dean finished with one last sentiment. "A good man once told me that family don't end with blood and I think that may just be the smartest thing I ever heard him say... To Bobby."

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