Cas x Reader

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Hey guys! I really don't know what to think of this one! I've not written a Cas one before and this is pretty last minute, so I apologise for any spelling/grammar errors. Other than that, I really hope you enjoy it! And don't forget to leave a comment, to let me know what you think!~Niamh

Imagine: You are a hunter. You've been working with the Winchesters for three years and somewhere along the way, they introduced you to Castiel, the angel.

After weeks of research and planning, you and the boys had finally pin-pointed the vampires' nest. The idea was to get inside, gank as many as you could and run the rest out of town. All was going to plan until one of the vamps snuck up behind you while you were fighting two others off. The vamp had a knife in hand and was getting closer and closer every second. Once you had dealt with the two in front of you, you whirled around but before you could react, the knife was plunged deep into your stomach. You heard Dean roaring out your name as you dropped to the floor. Everything became cold, and you blacked out.

Luckily, Dean and Sam managed to kill every single vampire in the nest. There must have been at least twenty of them. But the boys did it. You don't remember much of what happened, you just remember waking up in a stranger's arms. Wait. No, not a stranger. The more you think about it, the clearer the picture becomes. It was... Castiel. He was carrying you somewhere. But you don't know where. You remember being in agonising pain. And Castiel knew this. So before you could ask questions he looked down at you with his beautiful blue eyes and put you back to sleep.

Next thing you know, you're waking up in the sitting room, back at the bunker. You panic and look down at your wound which has... Disappeared. It doesn't make sense. You should be dead. But here you are. You realise that the only way you could possibly still be here was if Cas had saved you. You feel gratefulness flood through you. Cas means a lot to you, but he doesn't know it. You knew, deep down that an angel could never fall in love with a human- you were powerless compared to him. Heck- he just saved your life! Without brooding too much over your unrequited love for Cas, you stand and begin to search for the boys.

After minutes of aimlessly wandering, you hear muffled voices coming from the library. You head upstairs when the voices begin to get louder. They become more distinctive and you discern that it is in fact Dean and Cas in the library. You are about to open the door when you hear Dean say frustratedly "If it's not her then who is it?" There is silence for a few moments, but then Cas replies calmly "I don't know. I don't know what you mean." "Yes you do!" Dean shouts. "You've been acting strange for months now Cas." Dean huffs. "So?" You can hear Cas becoming angrier. "So, tell me what's up?" Something falls to the floor with a crash, making you jump. "Nothing is up! Am I not allowed to change? To be different?" Cas bellows. Dean sighs "Yes, but not like this. I don't want you to leave, man." You gasp. Cas is leaving? "I must." He retorts. "Cas, just tell me why. If it's her, then I can help you. Or is it someone else?" Who are they talking about? "I cannot tell you." Cas' voice becomes soft again. "Fine." Dean snaps "But at least tell me if it's a girl." Silence fills the air once again until Dean speaks up. "Is there an angel that you got your eye on or something?" "Not an angel. But there is a girl..." You can practically hear Dean's jaw hit the floor. "Who?" Cas is silent. "Who is it?" Cas breathes deeply before he replies. "It is not of import. The probability of the lady reciprocating my affections are near to nothing." Cas' voice becomes sadder with each word. Your heart aches for him. You want to hold him, and let him know that he is loved. "You can't know that for sure man." Dean says, trying to make Cas feel better. Cas cuts him off before he speaks again "Yes. I can. I read her thoughts. I've seen nothing that suggests that she feels the same way about me." Dean scoffs. "That doesn't mean anything. If you tell me who, maybe I can help?" Dean suggests. "That is highly unlikely." Cas declines his offer. "C'mon, just tell me." Dean pleads. "No." "Please." "No." "C'mon!" "No! Dean I cannot tell you!" Cas raises his voice again. Dean whines. "Why not?" "Because if you were to ever tell Y/N, I would never forgive you!" Your eyes widen. Did he just say- Dean cuts off your thoughts "Wait, what?" Everywhere, the tension grows. "Nothing." Cas sighs. "Y/N? As is... Y/N- the hunter- Y/N?" Dean questions. Each time he repeats your name, your heart beats a little faster. Cas begins to panic. "Please, do not speak of this to anyone. Ever." Dean promises not to. "I have to go." Cas declares. "What where?" Dean asks. "Anywhere! I need to get away from here! And away from her. I am not supposed to feel this way." Cas states, his breath becoming heavy and his voice, angry. "I don't get it." Dean stutters. "Why don't you just tell her how you feel?" Cas lets out a shaky breath. "Because I do not wish to risk destroying our frienship. When she is around I feel accepted. I feel like I'm human, but at the same time, I'm still me. I feel like I'm..." "In love." Dean says for him. "Yes." Cas sighs. "I can't lose her. I love her very much. Like the pizzaman loved that girl. Perhaps even more." Dean chuckles. "Wow Cas, you must love her a lot then." Cas replies nervously. "I do... Well then, I must be going." "Cas, what if I told you Y/N likes you back?" Dean says. What is he doing? He is the only one aside from Sam who knows about you liking Cas. "But she doesn't." Cas protests. I read her thoughts months ago."

"She's good at hiding things."

"Yes, but not this. Even I can't hide this."

"Y/N has spent her whole life lying and hiding. She could hide it."

"Even so, I read her thoughts."

"That was months ago! Things change. I know that Y/N likes you."

"How could you possibly know that?" Cas challenges Dean.

"She told me."

"She was lying."

"Why are you being so stupid? You know Y/N- she's not like that. Anyway, I can prove it."

"How?" Cas asks curiously. You hear them approach the door, so you sprint down the stairs and jump onto the sofa, trying to act as casual as possible. They come down the stairs and into the sitting room, where you turn to them and smile nervously. You are about to say hello when Dean asks you. "Y/N, what colour are Cas' wings?" You frown unsure of why he wanted to know. "Why? What's going on?" What relevance did that have to the conversation they had upstairs? Cas just stares at you intently, his eyes narrowing slightly at the mention of his wings. "Just answer the question." Dean insists. "Um... Black. But towards the tips, they become royal blue. They're very beautiful." Dean throws Cas a smirk while Cas just looks at you, his eyes shining with disbelief. "Why does that matter? Is something wrong?" You ask, confused. Cas steps towards you. He raises his hand and gently places it on your cheek. "Y/N." Cas whispers, lust laced in his smooth voice. "Is it true? What Dean said? Do you love me?" You blush. "Well... Yeah, I do." You sigh. No point pretending anymore. A small smile plays on Cas' lips. "Y/N, only an angel's soulmate can see it's wings... Why didn't you tell me you loved me?" You admit "I thought it would ruin our friendship. I knew you'd never like me back because... I didn't think angels could fall in love with... Humans." Cas shakes his head slightly "Don't say that word like it's a bad thing. I love you Y/N. I never told you because I thought you wouldn't feel the same, but..." Before you can reply, Cas leans down and passionately kisses you. You hadn't expected it, but you immediately kiss him back. Your entire body feels weightless. Beautiful fireworks in strokes of cerulean and sparks of crimson set alight in your mind. "You may be human, but you're my angel." Cas smiles sweetly. You roll your eyes at the cheesy pick up line, but you can't help but grin too. "Did you learn that from the pizzaman?" You ask Cas. He nods proudly and you giggle.

Shocked and perplexed, Dean just stands a little way away. His jaw hangs open slightly and he mutters to himself "I don't know what just happened, but my work here is done."

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