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As I used the last bit of petrol to make a trail well away from the house I realised that I didn't have matches.
'Fuck' I said to myself. Most people think that talking to yourself isn't healthy but I find comfort in it.
'Shit shit shit' I chanted. I threw the empty canister away from me and patted my pockets
'Thank fuck!' I had found a lighter.
  I looked at the house in front of me; two stories and a garage attached to it. The little front garden had a path and then a fence. The little green space was splattered with flowers, bushes and garden gnomes. I wrinkled my nose in disgust. I looked at the small house, breathed in and out then tilted my head up and looked at the stars. I liked how they twinkled.
  Stars. Giant fucking balls of fire. I looked back at the house. It would soon be a giant fucking ball of fire. I smirked.
'Lets get fucking started' then I bent down and lit the ground. The trail set on fire, then the whole house was on fire.
  The heat and the light of the fire lit up my face and I basked in it. Their screams filled me with a feeling that I can't really describe. It felt like the drop you get when you're on a rollercoaster, or when you stand really close to the edge of a cliff, it felt like that but better.
  I watched a bit longer. Until I heard the sirens. I knew it was time to go. I gazed longingly at the house and then tore my gaze away, turned around and walked away.
  If someone were to take a picture of me then, it would have looked sooo badass. Me, a black silhouette in front of a burning house. Damn; movie perfect.
  I was long gone when the police and fire brigade got there. They would never find me, they never have and definitely never will, not over my dead body.
  I was nobody to them. They didn't know my name, heck my parents didn't even know my name. Not that I knew them. Or had ever seen them. I hoped that they died a horrible death for all of the grief they'd put me through.
'Don't think about it. It's not gonna get you anywhere. You know that.'
'You're right self'
'I'm always right dimwit'
'Now what?'
'You know exactly what'
Time to move.
  With a crazed grin and wide eyes I left chaos behind me, in a village I didn't even know the name of.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2017 ⏰

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