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Hey guys! As this is my first piece of work on here, I'd appreciate feed back!! Favourite, comment, idk what else you can do...Thank you. I hope you enjoy the story.


As Troia put up her brown, straight hair into a ponytail and checked quickly that she had everything, she was off. She was wearing black leather trousers with a pretty, black, flow-y top that had no sleeves. She was going out tonight. Her makeup looked perfect and the little strands of hair that framed her face gave her an innocent touch. She was anything but.

Her father and mother owned a company and were very rich. She hardly ever saw her parents and was practically raised by her self defence teacher. Because her parents were so rich and well known there had often been break ins and attacks on the home.

When Troia was seven,her brother,at that time he was twelve, was murdered when two thieves were robbing the house. He had been in the way.

Shortly after the murder, her parents decided that she should get taught in the arts of self defence, she was glad they did. The thieves had not been caught and it made Troia feel better to know that she could at least defend herself from anyone who tried to attack her when she was walking home after parties.

Her phone beeped. As she checked it she grabbed her bag and walked out. Her heels were echoing in the house, the sound ricocheting off the walls like bullets.

Are you ready to go? I'm waiting!! Should I come in? How long are you going to be???
She sighed, Sadie could be so impatient. She decided not to answer as she would see her as soon as she opened the door.

"God Sadie! Do you have any chill?" Troia called to her friend as she closed the door behind her.
"Aia, you're literally the slowest person I've ever met, I could have walked there and back before you got your ass out of the door!" Sadie exaggerated.
Troia rolled her eyes and got into Sadie's car.

When they arrived at the club there was already a long line. As they walked passed it and into the vip part, many envious gazes followed them. Sadie and Troia smiled sweetly at the bouncer as he let them past.

Since Sadie's parents opened the club, they got free drinks, free entry and they also knew the majority of the people working there. It had its ups and downs; the workers would sometimes double as "spies" as they would often relay what had happened that evening to Sadie's parents. It didn't always end well...

As they entered the club the deep, vibrating bass enveloped them. They headed straight to the bar. Troia never drank enough to not have her wits about her but she was never really sober either. Sadie on the other hand didn't have a limit. She often drank away the pain, heartache and any problems she couldn't deal with. Her nights out were her escape.

Going out with Sadie was always fun... Until it got to 4 am. 4 am was when Sadie would either black out or start heaving; either way it was always around 4 am that they went home.

When they reached the bar, the bar tender looked at them expectantly.
"The usual please" Sadie yelled at the bar tender. He looked at her in confusion until Sadie lent over the bar and yelled in his ear.

While Sadie was impatiently waiting for their drinks, Troia was looking around the room, looking at the drunk, sweaty people grinding on each other. It looked disgusting to her now but after a drink or two she would start to feel the pull of the music and drag her friend into the crowded dance floor.

Fights are inevitable. Even if there is a bouncer; you never know if he'll get there on time. As people were shoved out of the way and a ring formed around two drunken boys throwing punches at each other, Troia's vibe was crushed. It annoyed her greatly that two stupid guys had to show their strength in a club full of dancing, drunk people who just wanted to have fun.

As Troia peered into the circle she saw a bulky guy and a lanky guy. It was hard to make out any more features because of the flittering neon lights but she could tell that the lanky one was in no way winning. After she watched a little more closely she could tell that he did not want to be there. She guessed he had been forced to fight by Mr. Bulky.

Everyone gasped as Bulky swung his fist in Lankys direction. Lanky tried to duck but he was too slow, the fist hit his jaw and split his lip. Troia winced. She knew that that had hurt. She knew he would have a lovely blackish purple bruise across his jaw come a few hours. Troia was still deciding what to do when Bulky punched Lanky again, this time giving him a black eye. She sighed. Lanky was still standing, she was impressed.

They guys looked about twenty, she realised when she was pushing through the crowd, trying to get closer. If there was one thing that she had been taught a thousand times it would have been that she should not fight somebody else's fight. But as she looked around she saw the bouncer still wasn't anywhere in sight, she went against everything she had been taught, stay away and call the police, they can handle it, she watched as Bulky went to punch Lanky again, slip and nearly loose his balance. She saw that when he went to punch with his right, he left the whole of his left side unprotected. That's where she had to hit. She pushed through the last people and into the circle, right in front of Lanky, and Bulky was going in for another punch.

Just as Bulky was about to hit her, she stopped his fist. The circle gasped again. A girl?! It was a rare occasion when another man stepped in to help one, but it being a girl shocked them quite a bit. Bulky didn't seem to care. As he went in for the next punch, dropping his guard on the left Troia punched him. Lightning quick. Just how she had been taught. He was out cold.

She turned around to Lanky gaping at her. He didn't stare for very long. It soon turned into an unimpressed smirk
"I could have handled it" he said to her.
Troia didn't think she heard him right. She walked up to him, real close, almost close enough that their noses could touch. She looked him in the eyes, they were emerald green and shining with something close to fury, and said into his ear                                                                                                   "You ungrateful prick, I shouldn't have helped you" as she leant back he flipped her off and left. Ugh, I never want to see that prick again, what an asshole! Troia thought to herself.

Little did she know that it wasn't the last time she'd be saving his ass.

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