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"Nyaa~" It shook its tail, peeking outside the box.

To my curiosity, I picked it up.

The cat was light.

It was still a small kitten after all.

But why would anyone leave such a small animal here?

Let's not think about that for now.

The cat appears to be hungry and cold.

So I brought it in.

And I saw mother sitting down on the sofa.

She looked my way, and she saw the kitten.

Mother seemed to be surprised.

So she walked to me and looked at me.

"Where did you get it?" She asked.

She didn't seem mad or anything.

"Outside our door. Someone knocked and I saw it laying there." I looked down.

"Nyaa~" The cat meowed and pawed my hand.

Mother patted the cat.

And she looked happier. She calmed down.

Her smile returned.

It seems that this cat brought my mother to her usual self.

I'm gonna name this cat, Felicity.

Fel, in short.

I think we just found ourselves a new friend.

Welcome to the family, Fel-san.


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