C h a p t e r - 5

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We were in front of the school entrance.

The boy has his folder ready.

The rain was the same as ever, 

it didn't weaken, and it didn't become stronger.

"Are you all set?"

I nodded.

I held my bag, and my other school stuff with me.

"Hold on." He put down the folder.

The boy looked at me and handed his hand.

"Give them to me."

Give what? My stuff? No way!

I don't want to trouble him any longer!


..his eyes looked determined.

I tried to give in and gave him everything I had.

But I wonder, why?

"Good, so that in this way, you won't have a hard time getting cover from the rain."

He said nicely.

This boy.. He was... he was thinking of me the whole time.

"Ready? If you don't mind..."

The boy got out his other free arm.

"... Hold my arm, so you won't get wet."

H-Hold.. Hold his arm?

I blushed, and I looked down.

I gave him a look of surprise, and worry.

He gave back a smile, and he held my hand.

"Come on, it's okay." He smiled once more.

I locked my arm with his, and we walked together in the rain.


The Boy (across the classroom)Where stories live. Discover now