시간님에게 (Dear Mr. Time)

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Dear Time:

"Time heals all wounds."
Tell me, is this true?

If not, whoever made this quote needs to be shot in the face.
If so, Imma need you to speed the fuck up.

Fast forward to the time when I won't feel pain anymore.
No more feelings of pain, hurt, loneliness, and unworthiness.
Fast forward through all of it.

I want to see me.
A happier me. Who does what she wants, without a care in the world.

I want to be able to close my eyes and not see his back walking away from me.
I want to be able to trust myself to resist the urge to search his name on social media sites.
I want to be able to not compare myself with his new girl.
I want to be able to look in the mirror and see someone who is beautiful and deserves the best.
I want to be able to be happy for him.
I want to be happy with myself.
I want to be happy with life.

I'm sick and tired of these cycles of hurting and feeling worthless

So time, can you do me a favor, and speed up?

Someone who eagerly looks forward to the future,

P.S. If you can't, sending me a time machine would do just fine.

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