Chapter 4 (E and P)

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A week went by before he finally asked me out. First date, super excited, except I didn't think my mom would go for it. She was still really protective, although I think she liked Christian. I have never been on a date before.

"So, I'll ask her if I can take you out. She can only say yes or no either way. We are spending the day together," Christian, said, sitting on the steps with me, waiting for my mama to get home.

"She just might," I said. She's definitely team, Christian. I still wasn't sure. I was also a little nervous. It had been a whole week since our kissing lessons and he had caught on really quick, like really quick. I was amazed at his skills, and he could now turn me on so fast it was scary. I wasn't ready, mentally to give him my cookie, but all this alone time made me want to. Sometimes I forgot who he claimed to be. He was always so nice and sweet when we were alone. Most days, I didn't see him as a thug.

But I remembered as soon as someone else came around us or we walked to the store, he would put on his "Game Face". I didn't really mind as long as he didn't use it with me.

Mama walked through the door and frowned at us, looking between us both. "What do yawl want?" She asked, hands-on-hips, lips pressed.

Christian cleared his throat and stood up to his full height, which was tall. "I was wondering, well, there is this new movie playing, and I wanted to take Ann to see it. She's been talking about it for like a week. I wanted to get your permission to take her out."

I almost clapped, spoken like a true gentleman, none of that gangster crap. Oh boy.

"Is that so, Anna?" mama asked me.

"Well, yeah," I whispered.

"Okay," she said, stepping around me. "Be home by ten or this will never happen again, and Christian remember, my body, do not touch." She was smiling as she walked up the stairs. For real, that was just too easy.

"Let's go," he said, pulling me up and pulling me toward the exit. My legs didn't seem to want to work. The calmness that my mother had used scared the hell out of me, and I simply couldn't believe it.

"She said we could go, Ann. Come on, before she thinks I'm making you come with me or something." He said, still pulling me.

"That was too easy," I said slowly, working my brain, trying to figure out what my mom was up to.

Christian smiled and pulled me into the crook of his arm. "She's trusting us, or rather, me. I have no intention of breaking that trust or messing it up, so hands off Ann, you know you a little freak."

"Whatever," I said, wrapping my arm around him too. It was a natural reaction. Everything felt natural to him.

We caught the public bus because, well, we didn't have cars and I really enjoyed the ride. St. Louis was beautiful at night, especially downtown. The movie was "Save the last dance", the place was the "St. Louis Union Station." This was one of my favorite malls. I loved it, and I loved how I got him to watch a chick flick.

The movie was great, I shed a few tears and as promised we were on our best behavior. He was being a gentleman today. He bought me a soda, popcorn, and chocolate-covered peanuts. The whole experience felt special. So special. After the movie we walked to the bus stop, holding hands and he bought me a rose from the famous "Rose man." Everything was going so great. Best first date ever. I should have known it was too good to be true.

When we made it to the bus stop, I was a little cold, and he gave me his jacket to keep me warm. Neither of us was speaking, and I suddenly found myself lost in the lights of downtown. The neon purple and green. It was beautiful. There are a lot of buildings and from where I was standing you could easily see the Arch. The view was amazing.

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