Chapter 47: Rest

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'It's been 2 hours already! Where are they?' Despite her reluctance to face either of the males, (Y/n) felt impatient over the anticipation of what might be said to her. She had been motionlessly sitting on the soft carpet, leaning against the frame of the bed and glaring holes into the door that held her back. 'School should be finishing right about now...I hope the girls could find excuses for their absence...oh, finally!' She heard the click of the opening door and sat up straight, on high alert for what to expect. The girl groaned out her irritation as her suspicions of the identity of the person entering came true.

"You can welcome me with a little bit more enthusiasm." Kaito commented, only to be ignored by the girl in question. "Mope all you want, you're stuck with us now, so I do suggest becoming acquainted with the situation." No response. "...You have nothing to say about this?" His reply was given as a silent sigh. The boy frowned at the unresponsive female and took the opportunity to approach her sitting form. "You're really starting to irritate me with your little tantrum." However, she merely crossed her arms in defiance, glaring at the floor. She was planning to keep up her silent treatment when an unintentional gasp was let out as she felt a rough, tight hold on her chin, forcing the female to look up into the boy's aggravated teal orbs. "If you intend on keeping your dear friends unharmed in any way, you will conform with us, and the best way to start that is by speak. Do you understand?" (Y/n) hated the small, smug rise of the corner on the male's lips, and tore herself away from his grip.


" get settled, all your cloths are in the closet and the drawers. So you have no reason to complain." The girl stared wide eyed at the boy's words and their casual tone.

"Y-you went through my belongings?! How?!" The crimson haired male chuckled and proceeded to pat the girl on the head, much like a pouting child.

"Alex found some way to enter your house without having to break in, and brought your stuff here." (Y/n) felt her blood boiling at the invasion of privacy she had unintelligently gone through.

"Who said you could do that?! These are my things!" The girl infused all her rage into a piercing glare, and directed it towards the boy that continued to dab at her temple.

"It's not like you were there to stop us." With an amused smirk, Kaito stood up from his position and headed towards the door.

"You had no right to just go through my private property!" Kaito shrugged each comment and attack off and prepared to exit out of the room.

"Everything starts tomorrow. Until then, make yourself at home here." He left the female with the wonderment of his words and went back to report to the rest of the group.

(Y/n) looked around her surroundings, unintentional shivers emerging against her skin. While her head was busying itself in wrapping around her situation and thinking over the boy's words, she wondered around her room to stop at the drawers. As she opened each one she shuddered at the sight of her neatly packed belongings, 'What do they want me to believe? That this is my home now?' She shut the drawer with a lot of excessive force, making a mental note to burn each fabric the moment she had the chance. 'What does he mean 'everything starts tomorrow'?' She paced around the area before she was struck by a thought, directing a searching through the space for a specific item. As she looked towards the large TV, a glare was directed to the innocent looking stuffed bunny that rested by the flatscreen. She strode over to the toy and took it by one ear to toss it out of the window, uncaring over its value. 'I better not find one of those in the bathroom...' There was a gaging sensation at her throat, feeling the room drop in degrees as she turned back to look at her new environment.

For the passing 6 hours, (Y/n) half heartedly watched the TV in constant tension, attempting to erase the whole area surrounding her, but it had little effect on her situation. 'What are they even's nearly 10 o'clock?' With little expectancy she would see either of the males again, she leaned her tired body against the bed frame and felt herself drifting off before her senses were put on alert from the sound of the door opening.

"S-sorry if I disturbed you." She recognised the quiet, gentle voice and chose to ignore the boy's presence as he entered the room. "(Y/n), we prepared dinner, would you like some?" Jin approached the resting female, indignant over her apathetic reaction to his presence. "I'm sure you'll like it..." The female continued to stare at the ground in front, while the male placed the tray of goods beside her. He took a moment to observe the teenager before reaching out to fondly stroke the female's hair to provide her with comfort and relaxation.

(Y/n) swiftly pulled back from the touch and glowered at the obfuscated boy. "Don't touch me." She gave a blunt warning and scooted away from the male's reach. Jin lowered his head at the rejecting action and sat down in front of the food.

"Aren't you hungry?" He tried keeping a positive attitude towards the whole situation and lifted up a fork of fried rice to tempt the female, but she continued to gaze at the TV as though she wasn't seeing anything. Jin noticed his futile attempts and lowered the utensil back on the plate. "Pleas eat (Y/n), you probably haven't had anything for the whole day."

"I'd rather starve." She stubbornly looked to the opposite direction, and focused her auditory sense to the television.

"You don't mean that." The boy tried his best to keep an unequivocal mindset towards the situation, but his high spirits diminished with each passing second of ignorance. "I'll leave you if that makes you feel better..." He received no response from the quiet girl and took this as a sign to stand up. "Don't worry, tomorrow I'll try to get picked so I can show you how sorry I am. I'll win you over again." He happily spoke, causing the girl to glance at him in inquiry as to what he meant. "You'll find out tomorrow." Before the female could register his nimble movement, the brunet quickly planted his lips to the top of her head, and retracted before she could fully grasp what had occurred. "Goodnight (Y/n)." He briskly left the room, leaving the girl staring bewildered after him.

(Y/n) vigorously began rubbing the spot on her cranium, labouring in ridding her discomfort of the sensation from the affectionate gesture. She pushed the tray of food far away from her and looked towards the bed, contemplating her decision of lying in it or not. '...Why should my sleep suffer, just because they're around? I'm tired anyway...' She reluctantly pulled back the covers to distribute her body onto the mattress and lay herself under the the silk sheets. 'How is it that I'll get the best night's sleep I've had in days, in this place?' She sighed her last worrying breath before her mind clouded with exhaustion and her muscles relaxed in synch with the female's mind.

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