Alex Ending

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(Y/n) broke into a speeding dash the moment her feet stepped out of the gate. She let her muscles lead the way as she continued boosting her self-assurance in an attempt of comfort against the risky way ahead.

'Calm down (Y/n). You're out. You're just one step away from home! There's no way in hell I'll let this chance slip me by.' The girl skidded around streets as she recalled the rout that would lead her to the salvation she required.

The female briskly paused as she came to two split paths and invigoratingly rattled her brain to recall the section she needed to take. (Y/n) inhaled a deep breath of relaxing air, engendering her nerves to settle at a respectable degree to allow her unstable pants to steady in her lungs.

She craned her neck around the environment to grasp the coordinate of her location, speculating for a conclusive point. While she studied the empty streets, she took a moment to rest her body for a single second to allow the true gravity of her freedom to be grasped by her senses.

(Y/n) prepared to bolt out of the area in a chosen direction, before she heard a familiar sound emanating from an arbitrary region. The female's attention was directed to the noise and nearly jumped as a large figure padded towards her shaken form.

The girl gulped back her dread as the large dog wagged his tail at her presence. Without needed coaxing, Oberon began a loud array of barks as he joyfully began jumping around the female, nearly shaking her off balance.

"No! Oberon, be quiet!" She loudly whispered, attempting to settle the dog in a manner that would not attract unnecessary attention. 'If Oberon's here, Alex can't be too far away.' She frantically gestured for the animal to silence it's howls and growls until she chose the best corse of action would be to completely leave the area before unwanted company would appear.

"Bad girl..." (Y/n)'s muscles stiffened as her blood seemed to clog up in her veins. Her brain blackened as all her thoughts disappeared, leaving the female tongue tied. The girl reluctantly forced her neck to pivot her head back to gaze into the enraged visage of the male who's body stood in a tense stance that was more than prepared to sprint for her the moment her body went in motion. "Very, very bad girl..." His words spewed through his tightened jaw while Fenrir and Oberon remained clueless of the situation that stealthily progressed in front of them.

(Y/n) sucked in a brisk breath of air as her muscles clenched and her form ducked down to gain momentum for the sprint she prepared to break into. Alex's analytical gaze picked up on the hinting movements and before the female herself could take the first step, he darted towards her like a predator.

"Oberon, tackle!" The large creature complied with the command and as soon as the female moved her feet, he jumped on top of her, launching her towards the ground in a heavy thud. Before (Y/n) could even regain the breath that she had lost from the impact, she felt a pair of hands grasp her wrists to effortlessly bring them at a converging point behind her back.

"No!" The girl screeched and as she dragged her nails against the boy's hands, she managed to provide herself enough space to unlatch one of her arms and retaliate as she shot her her elbow out to knock it against the boy's cheek. Alex was momentarily dazed for a fraction of a second, offering the girl enough of a time gap to stand up and attempt another getaway.

However, (Y/n) didn't manage to make even proper progress before she was restricted as arms entwined themselves around her body, labouring to contain her arms to her sides. The female thrashed in his hold, managing to spin her limbs out of his unyielding grip as she began pushing against him with equal force.

"(Y/n), stop. You'll hurt yourself." He earnestly stated, unsuccessfully concerning the girl with his anxiousness.

"No! Let me go!" (Y/n) gave one last push that ripped her body out of his grasps and as she triumphantly breathed out, the momentum knocked her spine as well as skull against the wall that she launched herself at. The female felt her bones jitter and vibrate from the impact and sensed her brain throbbing at the merciless blow that her scalp had taken from the brick barrier. The girl's eye lids became heavy as they forcefully applied themselves over her vision, while her oscillated body tipped her form to precipitate into a fall, right before she felt her frame being caught in a secure hold.

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