Chapter Fifteen

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Naveah’s P.O.V

Three weeks of the summer holidays have passed by so quickly. It’s been hectic, I’ve just been so focused its ridiculous. I made a decision to be completely focused, after all the crap that I’ve been through it makes sense to just focus on one thing right? Yeah so I’ve been totally focused on my music and dance. I’ve always known what I want to do but I just never focused on it but I’ve gotta now because schools over soon so I gotta get my life on track. I’ve got no one to depend on but myself.

I still don’t think I’ve done much, but it’s a start. I’ve started writing again, just anything I can really. Poems, lyrics, anything I can whenever I feel the slightest bit of inspiration. I’ve also gone back to my choreographing, dancing in anywhere I can, seriously I look ridiculous on the street with my earphones in completely zoned out. Yeah, I’m dancing on the roadside, people probably think I’m delusional but I’m just completely zoned, I can’t help it. I also had to pay for a week in Pineapple performing arts school’s summer school, it cost me £405 for a week of street dance and musical theatre. I’m still thanking God for Marcel because without him I wouldn’t be able to do a lot of the things I want.

It sounds like I’ve been totally anti doesn’t it? I know, everyone’s been bugging me but I just had the urge to start now and that’s what I did. It’s hard to say no to them because I know they just want me to relax and I love them for it but I’m on that road and I need to reach my destination. That’s all I have going for me right now. I still love them for it, I think I would be upset if they didn’t bug me. Traevon’s upset with me still though L

We’ve been really close lately, I don’t know, he’s just the best. I still don’t understand what I feel about and neither does he but we’re just seeing where things go. I think he’s been the best through all this, apart from Mario obviously :D, but Traevon has just been with me so much. He followed me to my first dance class and him and Mario are the only ones I’ve sang to.

So today, it’s my day off, well evening lol. I’ve been dancing all morning, my latest piece is to Brandy - I Can’t Wait, love this song. I’m actually exhausted but I promised everyone I would finally get out of my house today. Like seriously they act like I haven’t seen them at all, I mean we’ve been out together like twice. Seriously they must miss me, I feel like such a don! They had to beg me to come out tonight: D.

So here I am standing in front of my wardrobe and I have no idea what I’m going to wear. They didn’t even tell me anything so right now I don’t know whose going and if it’s a casual thing or if I should dress up. All I’ve been told is that we’re going to cosmos, they’re so unorganized kmt. I decided to call Melody, she would be able to help me hopefully.

I located my blackberry and typed her name and pressed the green button waiting for her to pick up, she did after the third ring.

“BITCH!” she shouted.

“HOE!” I shouted back and we laughed.

“What’s up?” she asked “Don’t tell me you called to cancel on me?” I could see her raising her perfectly threaded eyebrows and smiled

“No, I promised remember.” I replied with a chuckle “But I have no idea what to wear! I mean I could come wearing my sneakers and jeans like normal but what if everyone’s bare coming in heels, then I’ll just look stupid so I’m here staring at my wardrobe and I have no idea what to wear!” I babbled

“Breath child!” she replied laughing as I took a deep breath.


“Right,” she started “I know you’re about to pick up them sneakers and I swear to God I will beat your ass back to Nigeria if you wear them” I put my hand away from the sneakers as she said this, my girl knew me too well.

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