Making freinds with Kathy,and eventually breaking almost all my bones

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I sat at the dinner table with his goonie mafia jerks, he was outside like talking on a bluetooth or whatever. I really didn’t give a care,I mean like I care about the guy who kiddnapped me. I stabbed my fork in this really fancy dish, It was this bright red lobster and caviar was all around it…I told the lady who made the food that I was allergic to Caviar. Not to hurt her feelings,but If I could just get like a chicken breast or something. She was mexican,so I said it in spanish,just because I knew spanish,

”Yo era alérgico al caviar. Para no herir sus sentimientos, pero sitan sólo pudiera tener como una pechuga de pollo o algo así.’.

 She smiled and replied,”Sí, sí invitado Maestro Domingo, ¿le gustaría cualquier salsa o cubiertas? Yo la he hecho en a los 30 minuetos está bien?( Yes,Yes Master Dominic's guest, would you like any sauce or coverings? I will bring it out in as early as 30 minuets is that okay?).

“Sí, es la señora Kathy gracias por el maravilloso servicio, parece que la única persona agradable aquí también decient ...’,( Yes it is Mrs. Kathy thank you for the wonderful service,it seems like the only nice person here is also decient...)

She laughed and hurried into the kitchen,then kiddnapper walked in.. He stopped and looked at my gross caviar thingy dish.

He asked me in a husky voice,”Why arent you eating?”.

“I don’t like fish eggs, sorry’,I said with a smirk.

Mrs.Kathy ran in with an extra drink for me ,”Gracias’,I said to her smiling.”

“You know Spanish?”,He said with a frown on his face.

“Ya and french and italian’,I said,”Im not a dumb kid im in honors.”

He looked at me,”You can go to your room,it’s the last one on the right..”.

I jumped up then I yelled at the kitchen,”Gracias Mrs.Kathy Te veré en el desayuno de mañana a menos quese puede romper.”( Thank you Mrs.Kathy I will see you at breakfast tommorrow unless I can break out) I laughed.

I heard her laugh and then I ran up the stairs before anyone stopped me,I ran in the room and locked it. I sighed and ran to the closet,why? I  wanted to see if the jerk was cheap..

Pink Floyd,Aerosmith,Sweedish House Mafia shirts? A whole bunch of band shirts,(that I loved) and jeans and converse?

Were they stalking me?

I picked out a Party Rock Anthom shirt and ripped up jeans, I packed up some clothes and I found a bobby pin.

“Cmon..Cmon! Work!”,I hit the window and its lock,I was trying to pick a lock and it wasn’t working.


Succsess…Feels great..

I threw the backpack out and waited to hear a thud, it was 15 seconds before it finally sat on the ground.

I waited to hear if anyone thudded up the stairs,and no-one did.

“Go time..”,I mumbled.

I held onto my rosary,I wasn’t Catholic but I was Christian and I thought they were cool.

I took a deep breath in and…


I screamed in shock.

I saw gardens maids and vallets gatherd to the garden..

Then I didn’t see anything.

Then I felt someone picking me up…

I looked to see who it was..

Oh shiz..

It was..Domnic and he was in tears…

Kiddnapped by a MillonareWhere stories live. Discover now