Confessions of a Larry Shipper (Who Writes Het Fics)

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Confessions of a Larry Shipper (Who Writes Het Fics)
by walkstar

Disclaimer: before you roll your eyes and stop reading because "ugh Larry isn't real," this piece of writing isn't meant to persuade you that it is. At all. I will never claim to know someone's sexuality unless they've personally told me, and I would never dream of outing anyone. I am a Larry shipper in the way other people ship Hermione with Draco. Or Snape with Sirius (that's some hot shit right there). It's purely in the realm of fantasy. That being said, LARRY IS REAL!! lol I'm just kidding. Calm down.

Hi, my name is Walkstar (hiiiiiiiiii walkstar). Oops, this is a self-help meeting, isn't it? No? It's a confessional? Okay then... I'm a 39-year-old high school English teacher who is stalker-level obsessed (🏡🌳👀) with One Direction, and more specifically, the fantastical (b)romance between two of the boys, known as Larry Stylinson. At the same time, I'm entirely enamored with Harry Styles. He's a beautiful man. Who isn't in love with him? (Cue anti-larries: LOUIS).

So how does this happen? How did I fall into this bottomless pit that is the 1D fandom? How did I fall for a boy almost half my age (and what will my husband say if he ever reads my fanfic)? How did I fall "ankles over arse," to borrow one of my character's expressions, in love with their love?

It would be easy to blame my students for the One Direction obsession. Just look at all the cool shit they've given me.

 Just look at all the cool shit they've given me

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(The shrine...cough I mean...shelf in my classroom devoted to 1D)

shelf in my classroom devoted to 1D)

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(Rainbow 1D socks, Larry sticker.)

They bring me pages out of magazines with Harry in little yellow shorts, samples of the various 1D perfumes, stickers, cups, original drawings. One kid made me a skateboard with One Direction's faces on it (the same kid who painted that pic of Harry on the shrine. I mean... shelf.) Hell, a set of twin directioners brought me a stress banana 🍌 (yeah, like a stress ball, but it's a banana. The texture is...uncomfortable, disconcerting, floppy.). Ya know, because Harry likes to eat bananas. He's really good at eating bananas...

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