3 - Your Protector

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Another day, another job.

He was polishing his gun while secretly watching you. It's sort of his paranoia that makes him worried that someone will hurt you.

Now he trusts you can avoid trouble, but some people in his life...for better words would love to see him suffer.

You were the key to that lock.

Kiku had called him a yandere before and yet he saw no similarities. He's not gonna go balistic if you turn him down to date another, as long as you're happy he doesn't care.

First, you need to be kept safe.

Blue eyes narrow on a couple of thugs up ahead lurking in the alley. So while you're distracted he hops down surprising them. "Hey fellas!"

"The hell are you?" On spoke as the other two hold up knives.

"I'm the hero! Names Alfred not that it matters," he laughed pulling out a gun growing serious. "Cause you wont be alive to tell." Three bullets go off, all direct hits. He was good at covering his tracks, heck that's what the government trained him to do.

His eyes looked empty while tucking the gun away. They were trash, he honestly felt nothing for killing them. The look in these mens eyes gave away what they were gonna do.

The fact that he can detach his emotions when in work mode felt sort of good. All that training paid off. Not like Matt and Arthur weren't apart of this to.

How the hell else could the three afford that house?

That huge place was two stories yeah but had a large ass pool, big basement for Arthurs magic, attic where Matt did stuff, and hige bedrooms plus a gaming room, and study for all boys.

While dusting himself off he steps out only to hear your voice. It was music.

"Alfred? What are you doing out this evening?"

As usual your sweet voice snaps him out of work mode. Baby blues soften to see you walking over, a few flowers in hand.

"I was taking a shortcut to get some MickeyD's! I..think I got lost though?" He looked around confused much to your amusement.

You found him silly and steps aside. "C'mon Alfie, I'll lead the way, it's on me."

The american tears up hugging you. "Best. Friend. EVA! I love you!" He takes your hand and drags you off.

You didn't fight, or complain because...he strait up said he loved you. As a friend sure but, your little heart can dream.


Opening your wallet you see air come out. Oh well at least he was happy. The blonde male was stuffing his face while trying to tell you about this noob in COD.

You roll your eyes. "Alfred, I tell you all the time don't talk with your mouth full." Scolding him the male shrank while swallowing. "Sorry (Y/N)."

"It's fine just hold still." Wiping his cheek for him you hear him sigh, "I'm not a kid."

"You eat like one."

"Hey! Low blow.."

An elderly couple gossip about you two. "Ohh..remember when we were like that Harold?" She pats his hand. "Yeah, such a lovely couple." He chuckles.

Both of you freeze and back away slowly. Unable to meet his eyes you fidget.

"Hey so uh...how about we get outta here? I'll treat you to some ice cream." Alfred gets up dumping the trash to hide his fluster.

Why were people so nosy?

On the other hand you were excited. Is that how you two come across as? If only you weren't afraid of telling him. What's the worst that could happen?

You loose your friendship.

No more movie nights.

Everyone will be tiptoing on eggshells around you guys.

Okay okay shut it brain.

"You okay?" He tilts his head as you guys walk along.

"Yeah just thinking about what the people were saying."

He shrugs, "We're not so it's none of their business."

"Yeah...not..." You felt depresssed.

He liked to see your many emotions though this was his least favorite. So, to cheer you up he laced his fingers with yours. "Aww...do you love your hero that much? I suppose I AM that good looking!"

Huffing you look the other way. "Yeah right! L-like I would! You're just a glutton who plays games all day."

He laughed as you squeeze his hand.

You both loved one another it was painfully obvious. He didn't even have to have training to notice the attraction between you both.


Who would crack and tell the other first?

*~(A/N: Sorry! This is short. My brain died half way through. Next will be longer promise! )~*

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