Chapter 7 || A Calming Storm

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The cancer had been my and Idean's greatest secret. Not even my parents knew of it. When I was eight a physician visited the castle. I had been acting strange, so Idean told the physician I was her daughter and had him give me a consultation. She had squeezed my hand with the strength of men when we found out. We were both a sobbing mess, but the doctor created medicine to subside the attacks. I was too afraid to tell my parents, for they seemed to have enough to worry over. I didn't want them concerned about my wellbeing. Not to mention, they were overbearing when I was healthy; I was nervous regarding what my limitations would be if they were aware of my sickness. So, I begged Idean to keep my condition a secret, and she reluctantly agreed. 

Leathan's reaction was one I had not been expecting. It looked as though he needed to leave, and hit something. He was sweet and angry, which I suppose matches him. My calming storm, I thought with a smile, putting another potato into my mouth.

After we finish eating, he takes the plates and places them on the outside of the tent. I yawn with a sigh, and he catches it. "I agree, bedtime, but first we must get you out of that dress," Leathan says more relaxed than before. 

I gasp at his sudden instruction.

Leathan must have realized what he had said, for he corrects himself, "Pardon, your tunic is soaked with the man's blood, and--," his ears were uncharacteristically pink as he spoke.

I shake my head quickly, looking down at my powder blue gown. "Yes, yes. Thank you. I apologize, for believing you meant anything dishonorable."

He shook his head in response. "I should have been more clear, Princess." He walks over to a chest in the corner and pulls out a long white shirt. "I'm sorry, we are not appropriately stocked for you. You may wear one of my tops to sleep in if you would like."

I nod, taking the soft material into my hands.

"I'll be right outside," he adds, clearing his throat and leaving quickly.

I can see the outline of his shadow through the thick cloth of the tent and hurriedly discard my dress. Feeling the cool night against my naked skin, I slip on the warm long sleeve. It falls down just past my knees, appearing more like a very short night gown, than a shirt. "You may come in," I call to him, and watch his shadow turn and enter.

Leathan seems to pause for a moment when he sets foot inside. Taking in my new outfit, which leaves me more exposed than I would have liked. His expression is one I am unfamiliar with, but it alone sends the same sensations down my spine as his breath did earlier this morning.

He clears his throat once more. Walking over the makeshift bed, he grabs one of the blankets from the ground and a pillow, before going to the other side of the tent. "If you don't mind, I'll sleep here."

"I don't mind, thank you," I tell him, heading to the pile of blankets, and laying down. Covering myself in all the warmth the thick materials could offer, before calling out, "Goodnight, Leathan."

"Goodnight, Princess," he whispers in the dark and a small smile spreads across my face. That is the second time he has had that effect on me.

After an hour or so of rest, the cold whistling through the tent began to feel like too much. I move all the surrounding blankets on top of me, trying to preserve all my body heat to warm myself, but it seems as though nothing is working, as yet another temperature induced shiver racks through my body. However, soon sleep falls over me, once again.

I wake again to movement in the tent. "Arabella, move over a bit, will you," Leathan whispers, appearing just beside me.

"W-wh-y-y," I stutter back, my tired brain still confused by his sudden presence.

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