1 - Bad American

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*~(WARNING: An attack happens but nothing follows through. No worries reader your hero is there. Proceed!) ~*

You were friends. He knew as much as needed about you through your file. He was an assassin after all, and you? Well you knew as much as he let you.

He leans into your ear, breath softly tickling you. "Let's be bad kids." A shiver travels up your spine causing him to smirk.

You avert your gaze as he sets something into your hand. It was slightly wet and heavy. "Are..are you sure this is okay?"

His smirk stretches as he nods. You felt bad about this, however how could you resist those baby blue eyes glazed with mischief.

"Alright." You give in waiting for his command.

Alfred relaxes and holds up his supersoaker watergun smiling bright. "(Y/N) on my mark! Ready. Set. Go!!"

You both jump out and fire at the BTT making them fall back into the pool. Gilbert was the first to pop his head up, followed by the other two.

"What's wrong with jou frau!? Alfred stop influencing her!" His red eyes glare at you making you shift a bit behind the american.

"Oui, I agree with Gil, that was mean." Francis pouts climbing out.

Toni just shrugs and stays in floating on his back over to Romano wiggling his eyebrows. The Italian tosses his beach ball at the others head.

"Aww~ C'mon guys it's a pool party what's the fun if you don't get into the sweet pool!" He laughs his famous loud laugh which you actually grew to love.

You shake your head unable to believe he convinced you to do something again. He was a bad influence.

One time he convinced you to skip class to shoot fireworks off the roof, long story short poor Feli got his hair a bit singed. Another time you were convinced to go to the beach and surf without lessons..you ended up needing mouth to mouth.

He was such a bad american boy. You wouldn't have him any other way though, he was your crush. A secret you dreamed about every night.

Yet, you're stuck as friends. He was one of your best. How could you ruin it by speaking your feelings?

"Guys, were out of chips I'll make a run. Anyone want anything?" You snag a notepad and pen.

Suddenly all the guests were shouting things. "H-hold on..uh...what Romano? Huh? Liz s-say again?" This was a bad idea.

"Hey! Shut it!" A voice boomed over the rest making all quiet.

Alfred walks over to your side and places a hand on his hip, watergun in other hand. "One at a time jeez guys don't scare her."

He was your hero.

And he knew it.


After the hassle of collecting the items you were carrying two large bags. "I'm sure I've got everything."

As you look over your list you ended up bumping into a taller figure, now you weren't that short but most boys around you were six foot if not a bit shorter.

"Oh what do we have here? A little cuttie~" A tanned male spoke. His breath stunk of alcohol making you almost gag.

Walking around him you go back to skimming your list.

"Hey! I'm talkin' ta ya!" He grabbed your wrist tossing you into a nearby alley. The groceries scatter.

A glare was sent his way as your body trembles afraid of what he might do. "Awww is the little bambi shaking? Let me make you feel better."

Sweet Killer  (Assassin!America x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now