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"So, you haven't heard from him again? But you have his number and he has yours?" Daph asked. She was braiding her long blonde hair whilst listening to me.

"Yep," I quipped.

Her eyes locked with mine through the mirror, and her back still facing me, "I mean, if it's for the better, Ken. I know you so well," she says. Yep, she knows me but not the way Ivan does. She doesn't even know I'm screwing Ivan, and vice versa. I mentally shook my head.

Daphne is my friend, yes. But she's the type that doesn't do the 'we keep this a secret' thing. Everything that I say to her will be out to the world minutes later. Yes, she's nice and kind, but how can you tell her secrets if you know she'll spread it faster than anything?

"At least he's not a problem to me," I say before jumping off the counter.

We had just opened the cafe, cleaned the place and served the few customers we had.

"What's his name again?" she asked.


"What if he came here and ask you out again?" she asks, applying lipstick on her already red lips.

"Oh, please..." was my only response. Well, she got a point. Harry may come by any moment of the day and caught me completely off guard, but I'm just hoping for the best-- and that is to not see him anymore, for the rest of my life.

"Too bad you're not free yet," she taunt leaving me alone in the stock room.

Well, fuck.

I know damn well that he's not coming back. But what if he does? Then my infamous line comes in, "Sorry, I'm not ready for anything..." blah blah blah.

"Ken!" Daphne gushed, peeking her head through the door way. Her eyes screams excitement and glory. What's happening to her? She wasn't even gone for a minute now she's already hyped.

"What's up?" I asked, unphased by her behaviour.

"Bitch, Harry's here," her face was plastered with a half smile.

"No shit..."

"He's waiting," she continued. She was bitting her lip, trying to contain her excitement.

What the? What am I supposed to do now? Go over there and play nice? Nah, that would make me play nice to him for longer, and the mere thought is nasty. Should I just hide here? Be a coward? Nope. Not gonna happen.

Oh my god. It's just a guy, Kendall. One that bored the hell out of you last night!

I reluctantly went out to face Harry. Because hiding would do no good, right? Once I stepped behind the counter, I was met with an empty cafe and a laughing Daphne behind me.

This bitch.

So she really think this is funny?

I turned around to send daggers through my eyes on her way, "Happy?" I asked, keeping my cool not to slap the hell out of her face.

She continued to laugh, clutching her stomach and gasping for air. Only if she could die of suffocation for too much laughing. "You should have seen your face! Priceless!" She laughed even more.

I scoffed, rolling my eyes for her childishness. It wasn't funny. I was-- for one second-- nervous of what will I say to lad!

The rest of my day passed without anymore humourless joke from Daph. Good thing, she stopped nagging me about Harry because she was starting get on my dark side and I might forget that I'm friends with her.

Idée Fixe (Harry Styles AU)Where stories live. Discover now