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I woke up with my breathing uneven. I'm having the same dream again, or rather a nightmare. My skin was layered with sweat, and my limbs trembling. My nightmare always seem livid and real...

I sit up, reaching for the glass of water on my bedside table. Gulping the water a little more aggressive than the usual.

"It was just a dream," I whispered on my own.

Reaching for my mobile, I looked up to see seven notifications. All from my friend, Daphne. I read her first text message:

Won't make it to work today. Sorry!

Well, I'm used to being alone in the shop anyway. I scrolled down to her next message:

Tomorrow too, hun. Actually, I'm going out of town with Drake. Wish me luck! xo

Drake?! For goodness of all the heavens. How could she still be with Drake even after all he's done to her? She's crazy. Yep. Confirmed. I would never-- ever, forgive someone who's a cheating arsehole with a pencil dick. Dang.

Drake? Really, Daph? Don't cry on me when you read another sext on his phone.

I sent her my short message and lock my mobile. Yes, she's my friend. And that's why I will freaking beat the shit out of her when I see her! God. She's so stupid with picking guys. First she had this boyfriend, Tony: the stupidiest person I've ever met. He's a model, but so what?! What're you gonna do with a pretty face if all that he's talking is shit. Then she had Scott: the dick. Man, he's a living presentation of a dick attitude. He's a walking dick, to be precise. And now, Drake: the cheating bastard. Will she ever find a cool guy or a decent one?

This is why I don't do relationship. Yes, cliché. But why the fuck would I commit to someone? I'm young and free, the perfect definition of life. I can do whatever I want: partying, bar hopping, anything. And no one has a say to whatever I do.

When you finish school all by yourself, that's the perfect reward you could have. Live. I'm just waiting for the right moment to come by, and I might be able to have my own hotel soon. As of now, I'm trying to earn to make things happen. I'll see what happens...

. . . .

"You what?!" I exclaimed. Talking to Daphne is a stressfull task. More stressing than cleaning this coffee shop.

"Please tell me I heard it wrong," I plead. I spray some water on the counter.

"Ken!" she whinge, "He was so genuine--"

"Genuine my arse, Daphne."

"But it's true," she countered.

"He cheated on you. Let me remind you not just once, twice, thrice, but four times! Four fucking times, Daphne!"

There was silence on the other end of the line. I just hope she's analysing things and see what I'm trying to say. I wait for her response whilst I wipe the counter.

I would probably remind her parents of the new tables and chairs. This place still needs a lot of renovation. Since I worked here, a lot has changed. Thanks to me.

For three months of working here, I had redesigned the place: painted the blue walls into cream, changed some wallpapers, put on some portraits and paintings. This used to look like shit, but now it's so clean and tidy. Very comfortable to spend your time in.

Idée Fixe (Harry Styles AU)Where stories live. Discover now